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The Box Goes In Da Box - Peter Prevos DOWNLOAD


Peter Prevos Magician

There has NEVER been anything like this that captures comprehensively information about this effect until now!

The Box Goes-In-Da Box is a treatise on the Gozinta Boxes, brilliantly written and illustrated by Peter Prevos. Peter's work is exceptional. We at Stevens Magic are big fans. His attention to meticulous detail, which includes two and half pages of bibliography, is refreshing (and sadly lacking) in the world of magic. Equally important are the topics he chooses to write about, he has a sharp sense of filtering and selecting some of the most sought-after subjects in the art. Peter does a good job of incorporating the rich history of this illusion crediting the great Lubor Fiedler, as well as showing the evolution of this incredible miracle. Ken Brooke new a great thing when he saw it with Bob Dreebeck's - Dribeck Die, and item sold in the US Exclusively by Stevens Magic Emporium.

Gazinta Box gaz

The Gozinta Boxes by Lubor Fiedler is one of the quirkiest magic tricks in the conjuring repertoire. It's also one of the most perplexing and in demand in the art of magic for good reason. It just don't make sense! This application has been used many times in mainstream marketing, film and retail sales. Magicians that have been introduced to this effect usually become enthusiast and want to gobble up as much as is possible on the history, and applications. There has NEVER been anything like this that captures comprehensively information about this effect until now!

This book describes how to design, create and perform gozinta boxes. The book includes aGozinta Boxes Construction Kit to help you create your own version, using nothing but construction paper, a knife, a ruler and some glue. This alone is worth the price of the product.


“I wish all downloads were this good… The quality of Peter’s content, presentation and professional detail exceeded my expectations. As an editor myself, I appreciate seeing work of this caliber. – Bill Trotter


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