Rag Picture Shows, Limited/Out of Print by Eric Hawkesworth
Availability: In stock
Collection: All Products, Books, Books On Sale, Flash Sale, Grand Sale, Magic Books, On Sale, Tag Books, Type Book, What's New
Barcode: MURPH-57960
Rag pictures are "cut-out" geometric shapes composed mainly from felt, plastic, foam, etc. These shapes are placed against a black (typically felt) background by way of magnets, double stick tape, etc. As the shapes are moved on the board, they create different objects. For example, a hat could be turned upside down to create a bowl. The shapes can be moved around to compliment an engaging story the performer is telling. If you are looking to add something to your show that no one else is doing, this is for you. Great story telling is one of the keys to a great overall performance, and this act puts the focus on the art of storytelling. VERY limited quantities.