Dazzler, Gimmick only by Jordan Gomez and Fabien Mirault
Availability: In stock
Collection: All Products, Card Magic, Childrens Magic, Close-Up Magic, Comedy Magic, Effects on Sale, Flash Sale, Grand Sale, On Sale, Street Magic, Tricks, What's New
Barcode: MURPH-51291
From the creative minds behind Apple2iPhone, prepare to DAZZLE your audience with DAZZLER! A revolutionary iPhone APP (available at APPSTORE.COM/DAZZLER), used in conjunction with a specially designed gimmick, DAZZLER will turn any iPhone into a close-up flash device!
Now you can add that extra kicker to your performance WITHOUT the high cost of a typical device! Coins will disappear in a FLASH! DAZZLER will push your street/close-up/parlor magic to a whole new level.
(Gimmick only, APP sold separately. Visit APPSTORE.COM/DAZZLER)