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Our Blog

( Personally speaking blog )

Personally Speaking - Apr06 - Part 2

The highlights for yours truly were the evening interview with the famous Al Cohen, long-time established magic dealer from D.C.! Interviewed for us by Bob Sheets, Al gave us colorful anecdotes from all of his wonderful experiences in magic during his lifetime! Thanks Al! The trip to the Library Of Congress was just fantastic! The librarians were such gracious hosts and had all of the rarest of rare books, posters ...
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Personally Speaking - Apr06

Personally Speaking – April 2006 A wonderful report to give you on the recently completed MCA (Magic Collectors Assoc.) held in Rosslyn , Virginia ! The 37th year for the event. Over 120 enthusiasts from all over the world attended and shared the history of our loving art! Can you believe a magic event where there are NO card tricks, NO coin tricks and NO close-up demonstrations?????? Ye...
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Personally Speaking - Mar06 - Part 3

SHIN, Poron, Rocco, Nana, Chiaki and Magic Jamie Magic Jamie, Mark Stevens, Chiaki & SHIN! May we all congratulate Rich Bloch and Bob Rossi for organizing a wonderful event for all of us to enjoy, and a special salute to Bill & Becki Wells who coordinated all of it. They truly are the “dynamic duo”! A trip down memory lane, previous Desert Magic Seminars Dai Vernon, Tony Slydini, Pau...
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Personally Speaking - Mar06 - Part 2

One of our best sellers was Auke Van Dokkum’s amazing new, Nesting Cups! There is no other set of Cups and Balls like it! Auke Van Dokkum, Mark Mason, & Joe Stevens – displaying the NESTING CUPS – available exclusively at Stevens Magic! There is no other set of cups like it in the world! Charles Gauci doing what he does SO WELL – pitching his "Reputation Makers," also available exclusively through S...
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Personally Speaking - Mar06

Personally Speaking – March 2006 WORLD MAGIC SEMINAR 29 It is now history and what a good time was had by all! The attendance was right at 900 again and many new faces were there for their first time! There were plenty of acts, lectures, and shows to please everyone. Close up featured some of the best coin workers in the world. David Roth, Curtis Kam and Michael Rubinstein. The SME Products Booth… the Calm ...
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