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Our Blog

( Personally speaking blog )

Personally Speaking - Feb06 - Part 2

Mark introduced the Buma Board and application for this special new generation impression device to the magic world seven years ago. Buma Board (Click here for more details) Pocket Portfolio (Click here for more details) $77.50 $125.00 The Buma Board and Pocket Portfolio, is an item that many working performers including but not limited to – Larry Becker, Derren Brown, Ray Piatt, and Mark Salem have...
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Personally Speaking - Feb06

Personally Speaking – February 2006 Hello Friends and happy 2006! We’re busy little bee’s preparing for the new year, new catalogs, new conventions and of course new products, many of them exclusive. Joe Stevens and his close friend – Marvin Burger – Buma Sr. Photo: Stevens Magic Photo Morgue Important Announcement: We just received some new instruction sheets from Mark Burger (AKA Buma Jr.), from the House...
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Personally Speaking - Dec05 - Part 8

Coffee Cup Mystery — a magical science effect that is sure to please (perfect gift item!) Charles Gauci’s "Mystic Vibrations" – a clever piece of mentalism good for stage or parlor (what a fooler!) Larry Jennings DVD release – natural magic at its best! PSI Sharpie – an eerie effect where the marker moves spiritually! ...
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Personally Speaking - Dec05 - Part 7

THE BAD NEWS Our good friend Bob Read, from England passed away shortly after attending the above L.A. Conference of a heart attack. We had a warm visit with him at the event and talked about his trip to our Wichita convention over 20 years ago and he still remembered the fun that we had together! One sweet guy and one natural entertainer. I will miss him greatly as we had a long relationship together starting in Wichita and al...
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Personally Speaking - Dec05 - Part 6

This is a multi-faceted operation that is self-sufficient, everything from the costumes, set design, marketing and transportation of not just large illusions, but professional risers, and an impressive outfit of high tech professional lighting too! 3 sewing stations at David Thomas’ warehouse Regards to talent there was a lot of it, our good friend Mark and Nani Wilson provided a fantastic lecture, that is awe inspi...
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