One of our best sellers was Auke Van Dokkum’s amazing new, Nesting Cups! There is no other set of Cups and Balls like it!
Auke Van Dokkum, Mark Mason, & Joe Stevens – displaying the NESTING CUPS – available exclusively at Stevens Magic! There is no other set of cups like it in the world! |
Charles Gauci doing what he does SO WELL – pitching his "Reputation Makers," also available exclusively through SME.
The Monday night show was a charity event, with many magic luminaries performing, all for the benefit of Dean Dill! Dean was in a terrible accident with his family and the hospital bills were as high as you can imagine and he didn’t have enough insurance to cover the expenses.
We know that Dean is so pleased with what the Seminar did for him! Get well soon, Dean – we missed you in the dealer room as well.
The Seminar honored & dedicated the event to Johnny & Pam Thompson for all that they have done for the world of magic, not only in performing and teaching, but also for championing the good ethics and honor of magic as well. No one has helped police our world of magic for bad ethics as they have! There are not many left like Johnny and Pam! (We wish there were more).
The highlights for me, “personally speaking,” of the entire event were in this order, three things that I will not forget!
1. The little white rabbit that stole the awards show when it came out of a drum, climbed up several suitcases, went to the stand up mike stood up on his hind legs and started talking to the crowd . Yes, that is correct! (Of course a voice backstage was doing the talking) but it was perfect timing and so unusual and original. The rabbit talked for five minutes and cracked jokes and gags and made fun of many who were there! I had never seen anything like this in my magic life of 60 years!
2. The original act by the “People’s Choice” winner. He was worth a standing ovation, which he received!
3. The appearance of Roy, who showed all of the people how much progress he had made in one year, as he left his cane and walked across the stage all by himself! This brought tears to all of us in the audience and he received a “standing ovation” as well.