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Mental Photography - BLUE - SME Private Brand

I’m sure most people have no idea who I am. My mentors were people like Karrell Fox, Patrick Page, and Billy McComb. Most people don’t remember them either.
I have been performing Mental Photography for over 40 years. It is the ONLY card trick I do when strolling and is a huge part of my act. However, for the past 10 years, it’s been a nightmare to obtain an acceptable deck.

I will NOT name the places that believe the junk coming in from China or India, or where the hell ever, is acceptable. However, with no exaggeration, this is what has come in the mail:

1. Decks with the roughing so loose that cards would expose themselves at bad moments.
2. Decks with roughing so tight that cards would not spread.
3. Decks with roughing so tight I actually had to take the deck apart and separate every card, wrecking the deck in the process.
4. Decks with different degrees of roughing on different cards so anything could happen in performance!

Now, of course, you can return them, and go through it all again. As a full-time professional, I simply don’t have time for that nonsense. However, as always, Stevens magic has once again resolved the issue for the working pros out there.

I bought one of their Mental Photography decks, and it arrived today. Of course, it was absolutely perfect in every way! I did my entire routine three times in a row, and it was perfect every time! To be honest, I expected nothing less. Let me urge you if your performance is important to you, there’s only one place to get this, and the other hand-made gimmicked decks they offer, (their Svengali deck is outstanding as well.) That is from Stevens Magic, they have my highest recommendation! – Mark Tripp

This is not only one of the best card effects made - its also made from the highest quality from a professional card mechanic. This is Stevens Magic Private Label brand which is the best there is. Effect: Show a Blank Deck of Cards on the front and back. (Cards can be riffled through, fanned, and spread out on the table to be shown blank). Magically you can change 'a thought of card,' into a real printed card. Repeat this and when your ready, riffle through the entire deck and it has magically changed into a real deck of cards. You can show the front and back of the deck. Great for walk-around-magic, close-up or intimate gatherings. You can repeat the trick as often as you want.

  • No sleight of hand required
  • Easy and fast to learn
  • Great ice-breaker for any event.

Featured on Gay Blackstone's - Worlds Greatest Magic.