Genii Magazine March 2024
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Collection: All Products, Books, Books On Sale, Card Magic, Flash Sale, Grand Sale, Magic Books, On Sale, Tag Books, Type Book, What's New
Barcode: MURPH-76068
Becoming Pop: The Evolution of Pop Haydn by Dustil Stinett
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman
In Memoriam
- Karl Fulves by Ben Fulves
- Micky Hades by Stephen Forrester
The Eye by Vanessa Armstrong
Exhumations "Fluke or Fortuity" by Jon Racherbaumer
Chamber of Secrets the Learned Judge by John Gaughan
Expert at the Kids Table Arriving at Your Show Without Your Show by David Kaye
Thoughts... Deconstructing the Pinky Court, Part One by Rafael Benatar
Panmagium "Copentro Jr. or Coin in a Bottle Without the Bottle" by Jonathan Pendragon
Cardopolis Revisiting the Invisible Deck by David Britland
Artifices Spanish (Magic) Words by Roberto Mansilla
- "The Space Between" by Ben Seidman
- Intermission
- Knights at The Magic Castle by Shawn McMaster
- Now Appearing at The Magic Castle
Books Reviewed by David Britland
- Sleightly Absurd by Charlie Frye
- Personal Magic-The Secret Books of Eric Lewis, Vols. 2 and 3
- Subtle Card Creations Volume 9 by Nick Trost
Videos Reviewed by Joe M Turner
- Mortenn Christiansen Masterclass by Mortenn Christiansen
Tricks Reviewed by Mark Phillips
- "My Word" by Dan Harlan
- "POW: Perfect Oil and Water" by Erik Casey and John Michael Hinton
- "Pocket Slot Machine" by Astor Magic
- "Envylope 2.0" by Brandon David and Chris Turchi
- "Bammo Cychops" by Bob Farmer
- "Bammo Queen Monte" by Bob Farmer
- "Black Door" by Riccard Berdini
- "Boxed" by Francis Menotti
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