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Lucky Cards - RED - Roy Johnson - Single Version

This is the Single Version that uses 1 deck of cards but grants you the same effect.

Possibly The Most Versatile And Entertaining Version of "Name-A-Card" Ever Devised. No Sleights! Want to know something else - there has NEVER been a better version of this effect. Thanks to ROKKNOT!

A spectator is told he might win a valuable prize just by naming out loud any card in the deck - completely free choice. The magician removes a $20.00 bill that will act as the prize, even better, the spectator can only win - and has nothing to loose!

At this point the magician removes a deck of cards and places them face-up in full view. In doing so he shows that he has written the word "WIN" on the back of all the cards except for one! The magician fans out the deck so the audience can all see the word "WIN" written on many cards. However, when the magician turns over the named and selected card - it is the ONLY card that has the word - LOSE, written on the back of it!

As an ending bit of comedy the magician suggest that the spectator not try his luck at today's lottery, as he picked the "only" card in the deck that was a looser. This is a classic effect that is great for comedy and trade show work featuring great audience interaction. It is also fun and is easy to do. In fact, this is one of those hidden gems that you will love to perform over and over.

This is one of my father's favorite effects to perform, I have watched him perform it hundreds of times and I never get tired of watching it play out. - Mark Stevens - Stevens Magic Emporium

This also comes with another possible ending effect; the chosen card is the only card that has different colored back.

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