Driebeck Die (Ken Brooke) - Mini
Availability: In stock
Collection: All Products, Close-Up Magic, Comedy Magic, Comedy Stage, Effects, Exclusives, Ken Brooke, Parlor Magic, Stage Magic, What's Hot
We don't know how long we will have supply of this item! Don't wait! The Miniature Version of this classic effect that takes the "Gazinta" box beyond! Correct name is: Driebeek Die, but for search reasons it is more commonly remembered as, Dribeck Die. A Premier Item from the Ken Brooke Magic Range...
A miniature red die is shown and spun between the two hands. The die is taken apart and from it you remove what you state is “A Carrying Case” for the die. The two sections of the red die are placed on the table in full view so that the audience has a clear view both inside and out. The case is now opened up and is also shown inside and out. The empty case is placed on the table alongside the red die.
The two parts of the red die are reassembled, freely shown and then—believe it or not—the die is placed inside the carrying case which, only moments before was taken from it!
But the effect does not end there! The patter story then switches to China. You open the case and from it—you produce a box of tea from China...the red die has completely vanished! Bob Driebeck is the Inventor and he always got laughs with this.
The apparatus is hand made and bright in color for top visibility. Can be performed entirely surrounded. Die is approx. 3-inch square and, as all parts fit inside it, you have only one unit to carry.
Top quality magic. Featured by Paul Daniels, Roy Johnson, Trevor Lewis, Ben Martin & Sid Lorraine. Includes original 7-page instructions, with step-by-step sequences, excellent diagrams and illustrations as well as two possible routines! Dimensions approximate: 3" x 3" and 3 1/4" tall.
Note: Photo shows several individual dies, but this product comes with only "one" miniature sized Dribeck Die.