Scryer's Soothsayers - Neal Scryer - Richard Webster
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The final in the trilogy of the incredible successful line of the Scryer Project that focuses solely on “readings.” The first foray into this genre was the tome Scryer’s Band of Readers a book that still is available ONLY in the private market (as is the case with all Scryer’s book). Band of Readers is a 473-page book printed in 2013.
Almost 10 years later Richard Webster and Neal Scryer decided to go back into his genre and the first book of this series was Scryer’s Seers, followed by Scryer’s Eidolon (both books are available at the very bottom of this page). Now the last and final edition of the trilogy Scryer’s Soothsayers is available.
Scryer’s All Stars Featured in Soothsayer:
- Loyd Auerbach
- Richard Webster
- Steve Drury
- John Stetson
- Jeremy Weiss
- Scott St. Clair
- William Barclay
- Zac Barkowski
- Larry Baukin
- Charles Garner
- Tony Iacoviello
- Helmuth Grundwald
Soothsayers is a 248-page book that features gold nuggets from readers all over the world. Many of which are known but a good number of which are relatively new contributors and even some featured for the first time. This project was a collaboration and time-consuming mission that required a canvassing carried out by some of the more well known names featured in this book, who searched out other readers and then qualified and quantified their work to see if it had solid substance to be featured within. Here are the 13 that were chosen for this final edition of Scryer’s Readers Trilogy.
- Alexander Blackwood
- D Cleveland
- Louis Castilo
- Dimon
- Alphonse Durand
- L Espectro
- Graveyard Johnny
- Julie Ann Johnson
- Michael Mercier
- Evan Reida
- Charles Snake
- The Tarot King
Neal Scryer contributes 11 of his own features such as:
- Scryer’s Esoteric Coin
- Scryer’s Throw a Stone (A Greek Homeric-era practice of anathema).
- Scryer’s Healing Doll II
- Scryer’s Lavender Ritual
- Scryer’s Dream for You
- Scryer’s Cappuccino Reading – which is one of his most powerful and reactive readings which causes a reaction in coffee shops and can serve as the perfect vehicle to gain new clients
- Scryer’s Give a Star
- Scryer’s Pendulum Blessings from the Universe
- Scryer’s White Noise Love – Healing Manifestations
- Scryer’s Third Eye Healing Manifestation
- Scryer’s The Wall
Jon Stetson - Several contributions from the master himself. These alone are powerful contributions from a work to another worker. Jon is full time, all the time.Dr. Jeremy Weiss - Reading and interpreting the flight patterns of birds. Another priceless piece. Never has anything been published as such - another master at work. The Readers Pendulum - Julie Ann Johnson - Masters of masters a genius and 50 years ahead of her time. This is the real thing they will not stop talking it’s that good.
Richard Webster - Again these alone are priceless to continue to praise everyone will be a book by itself Richard’s work is so amazing we can’t put a price on them they are that good. Orniscopy -Pi-Positional Interpretation/Game Play - Tony Iacoviello - Another master great reading from another master.
New Comer - Evan Reida - we predict you will be hearing more from this creative mind as he makes his debut in this final edition of the trilogy.
Ok that’s it guys plenty more but buy the book can go on forever ...
Note: We encourage you to view all the Scryer Titles of books published by Richard Webster simply by visiting the Product category titled: Neal Scryer Products
Credits and Appreciations:
Steve Drury – For once again providing both the cover artwork and title of this and the two previous editions of the Trilogy.
Scott St. Clair – For inside artwork
Mike Vance – For doing a superb job at proofreading and copy-editing.
6 X 9 Book – 248 pages - hardbound.