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Cold Reading - The Classic Book of Techniques. Martin Baukin

Ask anyone in the filed of Mentalism and Cold Reading to name the tops in their field and you will hear the same names over and over again - Ron Martin and Larry Baukin. If you're serious about reading - you have found what you've been looking for. Click on Image titled "Sneak Peek!" for "ONE" sampling!

Stevens Publishing is very proud to have been selected by Ron Martin and Larry Baukin to print and distribute this incredible book. We welcome them to our "illuminati" of respected performers in mentalism who have chosen to work exclusively with Stevens Magic Emporium. Names like Scryer and Webster, Dr. Todd Landman, Ted Karmilovich, Bill Montana, Wayne Rogers, Jim Kleefeld, Luca Volpe, ParaLabs, Walter Davis and many others!

This amazing book will certainly live up to the use of the word ‘Classic’ in its title! There probably has never been a book with such range and such depth in nearly a dozen different types of readings for real, paying clients!

Front Cover Artwork: Le Prince, Jean Baptiste (1773-1781). The Necromancer, Est. 1775. Oil on canvas. All Rights - National Gallery, London, Great Britiain.

Of course it discusses card readings

That’s how it began - with Martin Baukin working out a very NEW WAY to give meaningful and accurate card readings in commercial settings. How you can give a solid, satisfying – and client dazzling – reading with just three - to five cards, if you wish – at a busy party or large corporate event.

  • There has never been a system like this one before!
  • It gives you a high degree of control over the direction that the reading can take. It’s not a matter of just saying anything you wish. The cards, for those who know them, will be saying exactly what you tell your client.
  • You can have a small chart on you table, outlining the card meanings, if you wish. (It’s included in a printable format, amongst other useful information, on the CD accompanying the book.)
  • Your client can readily see that your explanations of the cards meanings are following the guidelines – but still you are secretly and gently steering the reading, if you feel you should for this client. As all good readers are led by their own experienced intuition, there are times when you know the direction that this specific reading for this specific client must take.

How to answer Yes or No questions

Possibly you know some very private information that you can’t directly say to your client. With this method you can determine the direction that the reading will take with no visible maneuvering.

These are the true real-world readings with real clients, some who have a problem they wish to discuss, some who are just bored and want to be entertained, and those who are just curious. All of these can be addressed using methods that Martin Baukin has used to give readings for decades!

Everything explained in this ‘text book’ has been tested at the readers table with clients who are often quite familiar with readings. These are not fatuously re-written card tricks as far too many ex-magicians have done, thinking – wrongly - that they understood the reading process.

Then there are tea leaf readings.

A complete system, complete with cup illustrations and lists of images and common sense meanings that make them easy to remember and explain.

  • What kind of cups to use or not use.
  • What kind of tea – or coffee!
  • The setting.
  • The tea leaf ‘ritual.’

Included is a twenty page pitch book on reading tea leaves that can be sold, along with their reading.

Secretly, it is also a perfect script for a tea leaf reading class you can present for a profit! These are quite fun to present, as you let your students read what they see in each other’s cups. They have a great time and you don’t have to work too hard!

All the charts and printed materials are included on the CD accompanying the book. Just put it in your computer and print out what you need!


  • This same system, by the way, can be used for reading candle wax drippings!
  • A large serving plate holding some water.
  • A few colored candles . . .
  • Great for a spooky Halloween party!

American Folk Magic

Martin Baukin has been among the very first to branch into readings based on the blend of African, European and Native American folk magic that is unique to this country. Christening it ‘American Folk Magic,’ they also have an associated ‘insiders’ category of ‘American Folk Mentalism,’ using many modern - or not so modern - techniques mixed into what has been called conjure or hoodoo or ‘work.’

Headlining this new collection of folk magic methods is Casting the Bones!

Strange and dramatic looking, it’s guaranteed to draw interest to your table! When someone sits down to see what a bone reading is like, they will find that it’s a systematic approach to using a small number of symbol-marked chicken bones to give a reading that has easily as much information, with all of the details and textures, of a good card reading!

The client need not understand that you have a mental system you are following; they’ll only see the strange bones and their patterns and hear the significances of them as you interpret them. These are not memorized stock lines but rather unique readings for each client honestly based on the bones.

This method can be applied to many other types of readings, as can most of Martin Baukins ‘hidden’ reading methods.

  • Cards, bones, cowrie shells, candle wax drippings, tea leaves, coffee grounds, magic squares and numbers, dreams and Bible verses . . .

Magic Squares?

Yes, indeed, although we prefer to call them Dream Windows Or Crossroads. Or talismans.

One of them is a type of magic square that isn’t even a square, (the Crossroads), and can use a number that is meaningful to the client in its preparation. It’s a small number construction that is very easy to create in less than a minute on the back of a business card and will provide the basis for a unique quick reading. As long as you have paper and a pen or pencil, you are ready to give a reading in a way that few have seen before. PLUS they keep their specially-created number creation as a talisman!

Included is a very clever way, (that will cost you about two dollars in the U.S.), to insure that they keep this magical item with them for a very long time. This means that every time they see it they will remember YOU and their reading!

What else will you find in this mountain of information?

  • A printed sheet with instructions on making your own little hoodoo ‘dollie!’
  • A great part of an afternoon workshop! The students do the work!
  • The sheet is in ready-to-print form on the accompanying CD.
  • Some craft supplies, a few copies of the instruction sheets and you have a workshop you can sell.
  • A couple simple but powerful rituals that can be adapted to situations where you feel that they would be beneficial for your client. Uses simple, inexpensive, easy-to-find items.

Accurate and Powerful Readings using Visual Metaphors

In the BY the EYE of Our SPIRIT section, you will learn a complete system of images, symbols, metaphors -- essentially, pictures. Each picture relates directly to one of the standard eight Myers-Briggs types. To quickly learn these types, you are given a simple template that, once you're familiar with them, also acts as a handy reference tool.

Next, you will find a chart with the eight indicators listed, plus a description of four separate symbols or pictures, each of which relates to one of the Myers-Briggs labels. Following this, you will find interpretations for each image -- the same interpretations that Ron and Larry use when giving their own professional readings.

Finally, you are taught a simple mnemonic technique for easily and quickly recalling each of the four pictures assigned to each single indicator. This technique will enable you to use from one to sixteen completely different images to accurately describe your sitter during a reading. By combining the psychologically valid principles of the well-known Myers-Briggs system with the easy-to-remember Martin Baukin symbols, you will ultimately be able to successfully give an accurate and powerful, psychologically based character reading.

The method is, of course, deeply buried in these pictures. To the client, however, your reading does not appear to be a mere psychological profile -- it appears to be coming straight out of an intuitively based visual metaphorical inspiration.

Since this system marks somewhat of a departure from traditional ways of reading symbols, Ron and Larry also include numerous sample readings, plus valuable tips and clues on how to use your knowledge of the eight types to size up your prospective client within seconds of meeting them.

And the beauty of this Martin Baukin system is that, as you experiment with the concepts laid out in ‘BY the EYE of Our SPIRIT,’ you will discover that the system can be used with virtually any cold reading and/or divination system you wish to apply it to.

Basic numerology.

How it can be applied to just about anything . . . and often is. You will find this referred to in most of the unseen reading systems from Martin Baukin. Learning the meanings of the nine single digit numbers is not that difficult and you’ll use it for the rest of your life!

  • How Tarot cards can be used, invisibly and secretly, in other kinds of readings. The very useful Tarot Tableau.
  • Now you’ll not be caught without something to say in multiple readings situations without repeating yourself. Especially suited to situations where people get to hear each other’s readings.
  • How to handle the reading for the party hosts’ teen aged daughter(s).
  • A delicate position! You can’t be frightening nor do you wish to play the Svengali role.
  • How you do make both the not-quite-child-and-not-quite-adult AND their parent(s) happy?

It’s The Squire’s Perfect Three Card Reading.

A reading system for quick readings that will assist you in this awkward situation. It turns out that this method also works very well in other reading situations where only a small number of cards are read for each client. You can move around at a party quite quickly and read a large number of guests with this system.


Over the years, Martin Baukin has collected a huge file of aphorisms and applicable sayings that can sometimes become the final exclamation point or underscoring of a reading. And you get to sound knowing and profound, perhaps. A couple hundred of the very best ones have been put in a list for you.

Martin Baukin makes the claim that reading through these regularly can have a positive effect on your thinking processes.

“They are purposefully not put in alphabetic order or numbered. It requires that you read through them to find one or two that you especially want to remember. Along the way, you will be exposed to some ideas and concepts that you might not find in other ways.”

Additional Value Added Content:

Immediately after you place your paid order on our website you will get an e-mail order confirmation (assuming the order is paid in full) which provides you with access to a downloaded spec sheet where you can access approximately 20 additional files related to this book. These contain printable artwork. A few different table signs for cards, tea leaves or wax readings, small tea leaf handout card, a pitch book, a couple explanatory illustrations, the instructions for making a little hoodoo dollie. IMPORTANT: We will also include the same sheet that you can download post-purchase as a reminder to access this data. The printed sheet will have the url - however - it's a very long url address and it's MUCH better is you can access it from the download so you can link to it much easier and store those files. Some clients print them out and put them in a folder next to the book. Because of the quick changes in mediums for content from CD-Rom, to downloads to Flash Drives we try our best to incorporate redundancy.

The Classic Book of Cold Reading Techniques is the kind of book that has made experienced readers say, “If only I had this book thirty years ago . . . it would have saved me few years of time and effort.”

It’s all here in an astounding 500+ pages of real life reading methods. None of it is filler or arm-chair speculation. Martin Baukin is still reading every week and is using much of the information you will find in this hard cover book that has taken TWO adult lifetimes of readings plus six years of writing!

Martin Baukin has said that if you seriously study all of the material in this one volume, you should be able to read any live, sane person who speaks your language using whatever type of presentation you wish. Cards, palms, tea leaves, coffee grounds, bones, candle wax, cowrie shells, cloud patterns, visions in crystal balls, patterns in randomly scattered colored semi-precious stones, the shapes and folds in their ears – or give breast readings – or whatever!

Endorsements & Testimonials:

Ron Martin and Larry Baukin are two of the most respected readers worldwide. You will not find better people to guide you into the intricate art of cold reading, not just because of the wealth of their knowledge, but equally in their unique ability to teach. Anyone who is serious about readings would be wise to study their works... - Neal Scryer

I have known Ron Martin for over twenty years. I had been doing cold reading steadily for over ten years when Ron first published his Tarot Reader's Notebook. I had released my own book on the tarot, Turn of a Friendly Card, and only picked up Ron's book out of curiosity, believing that I could not learn anything more about the subject. Instead I learned much practical material. I found it to be the best book on the subject, and fifteen years later it still is the best book on the subject. Many people have made a very good living using the material provided in Ron's book. I have known Larry Baukin for about the same number of years, searching him out because his contributions to Invocational and New Invocational magazines were some of the most outstanding and practical material in the magazines. I knew him to be a skilled and imaginative writer, but after he left the Smithstonian Institute to work full time as a reader, it did not take long for him to establish a reputation for being one of the top readers in the DC area. With the combined talent of Ron Martin and Larry Baukin, you have a valuable resource from two of the most experienced and respected readers in the business. Best wishes on the project. It sounds fantastic. - Jim Magus

"Workable, unique and highly valuable material - an absolute must buy! beautifully put together and explained. Thank you for releasing it...". - Iain Dunford, author of AEIOU, Thought-Paths and Imaginary Mediumship

"Two truly great readers have collaborated to create one of the definitive books on readings. Mining their lifetime of experience in entertaining and in providing insight to tens of thousands of people, they've compiled a work that is a treasure trove of secrets, techniques, and unique structures.that will dramatically enhance your readings no matter what your level of experience is. This book is a "must-have." - Charles Edwards

I have known both Ron and Larry for most of my performing career and have worked with them on several occasions at corporate engagements in the Washington D.C. area. Their combined knowledge of all things related to divination makes any book they produce a "go-to" text for those readers interested in original, tested, and highly practical fortunetelling applications. This is the real work honed to perfection by two working masters of the craft. I give this new book my highest recommendation. - Joe Zabel, Psychic Sorcery

When I wrote my first book on cold reading almost thirty years ago, there was very little information available for psychic readers. Today, people interested in the subject have a wealth of material to choose from, and the hard part is finding good, practical, useful, real world information that will help readers provide positive, insightful and helpful readings to their clients. Whenever people ask me what authors they should read on this subject, Martin Baukin is always the first name I mention.

Ron Martin and Larry Baukin have worked as psychic readers for decades, and their knowledge and experience is apparent in every page of this book. The empathy they have for their clients is also clearly evident. This book is a distillation of what they've learned by doing thousands of readings on a daily basis over many years.

Fortunately, Ron and Larry are also talented writers and teachers. I know you'll learn a great deal from studying this book. It makes no difference if you're thinking about giving readings, or have been doing them for years.

If you haven't read anything by Martin Baukin before, you have a huge thrill ahead of you. I vividly remember reading Ron Martin's first book (The Tarot Reader's Notebook), and being unable to put it down until I'd finished it. If you already know their work, you'll be as excited as I am that it's now available as a handsome, hardcover book. In either case, you'll be reading and referring to this book often.

I've been friends with Ron and Larry for more than twenty-five years, and am proud that they asked me to write this foreword.

This book is essential reading for anyone interested in psychic readings. - Richard Webster - August 2013.

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