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The New Magician's Manual - Walter B Gibson - Stevens Estate

Tricks and Routines with Instructions for Expert Performance by the Amateur

Here is a magic book that's more than just a book on magic. It has pages that can be cut-out to make apparatus for actual tricks, as well as complete instructions for these and other tricks-a total of 36 tricks fully explained and illustrated.

Step-by-step instructions guide the reader through the effect that the trick will produce, the method of doing the trick and the presentation of the trick before an audience.

Simple to perform, yet effective in presentation, these tricks can all be performed informally with a small group of friends. They require only common objects or material that is easily obtainable: matches, coins, playing cards, safety pins and the like. With the emphasis on deception rather than elaborate sleight-of-hand, this book holds a section on impromptu magic, table magic, card magic, Oriental magic and mental magic. Among the individual tricks are The Rising Cigarette, Odds and Evens, The Mystic Disks, and The Detective Mystery. An additional section gives sample programs. For the amateur who masters these tricks or wants a more varied program, the author includes a collection of additional tricks-36 tricks, more briefly described and illustrated.

With this book the beginner will be able to perform professional tricks within hours, while even the experienced amateur will find new tricks and new ways of doing old ones. The author draws upon a lifetime in professional magic for his expertise.

1963 HC 1st Ed - No DJ - Inscription by previous owner on front flyleaf, price written on front flyleaf, obvious wear/damage on covers, pages unblemeshed loose spine - Poor Cond

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