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Easy Magic Square - Methods and Tricks - Jim Solberg (Book)

No More Excuses!  Now you can perform one of the most mind-baffling effects in the world WITHOUT being intimidated.   James previous books have been TOP SELLERS at Stevens Magic – for Good Reasons!  

Professor Solberg“Thank you very much for publishing Easy Magic Square Methods and Tricks.  It is a goldmine of information and well worth the price. Your illustrated instructions make it very easy to learn and understand how to construct the various types of squares.  The few rules are simple, logical and easy to understand.  There are no confusing exceptions to deal with.  The best part is your use of mnemonics to make the process of constructing the squares next to impossible to forget.  It’s a ton of information all in one little book.” Floyd Morrow (verified buyer – Oct. 18th – 2019)

If you ever wanted to perform tricks with magic squares, but were put off by the mental strain of memorizing and calculating, this book is for you. Three new methods (plus variations) for constructing customized four-by-four magic squares are revealed here for the first time.

Simpler than the methods in his other two books, yet still powerful and versatile, Solberg’s new methods require no mathematics. You can begin with any number placed in any cell. Then you simply count through the numbers, entering them in order (or backward) as fast as you can along a path described by a few simple rules. When you are done, you will have 52 patterns of four numbers that add up to the same magic sum. Although the final patterns differ for each method, you will know where they will be even before you begin, because they do not depend upon the starting number or position.

The three methods, along with several variations, are equally easy to learn and equally applicable to any of the tricks, so you can pick out just one to learn based solely upon the final patterns you prefer.

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