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Q & EYE - Practitioners of the Magical Arts - Sidney Friedman - Limited Edition Book

If you are a fan of SIDNEY FRIEDMAN’s Mental High Notes and The Rocket, you will love his NEW BOOK. This is a limited edition book not recommend for beginners that highlights coveted information that would take you decades to learn on your own taught from an undeniable real worker in mentalism and magic – Mark Stevens

“by far the most comprehensive and informative book on Q&A I’ve ever read. – … Sidney Friedman has raised the Q&A act to a whole new level.— Richard Webster


“Q&EYE is by far the most comprehensive and informative book on Q&A I’ve ever read. It’s a well-written, motivating and inspiring book on how to perform Q&A in a sincere, caring manner that leaves the audience feeling better about themselves and their lives. … Sidney Friedman has raised the Q&A act to a whole new level.”
— Richard Webster
“Deserving of a spot on my Q&A bookshelf alongside some of the finest tomes of our time!”
— Eric Samuels, mentalist and creator
“Most comprehensive book ever written on Q&A in my opinion. This one will be hard to beat. A must in everyone’s library. I give it ten stars. No such thing as ten stars? Even so, ten stars it is.”
— Neal Scryer
“Highly original, fresh, and … in Q&EYE, Sidney teaches his readers some of the whys and hows that border on deeply psychological, even clinical understandings, principles, and wisdoms. Beyond amazing minds and imaginations, like a mystical surgeon, Sidney connects with and soothes the hearts and souls in his audiences. In Q&EYE, he will connect, with you! I truly recommend this very wise investment in excellence. It’s a doer. Buy it!”
— Richard Busch
“When Sidney’s book arrived, I sat down … and didn’t stop reading for hours. I went from top to bottom, returning to some sections to review ideas, etc. This is rare for me. Why? Because it was that good. I’m not one to ‘recommend’ books; the last one I recommended was Doug Dyment’s collected works; but this Q&EYE has made its way into my “must-read’ list. Highly Recommended.”
— Fred Zimmerman


quite possibly THE BIGGEST RELEASE OF THE YEAR Sidney Friedman's new book - Q&EYE and other delights

"By far the most comprehensive and informative book on Q&A I’ve ever read. ... Sidney Friedman has raised the Q&A act to a whole new level." — Richard Webster

"It's a masterpiece!" — Richard Busch

"Deserving of a spot on my Q&A bookshelf alongside some of the finest tomes of our time!" — Eric Samuels

Have you feared performing Q&A? Or do you perform Q&A but wish to get more proficient and improve quickly? Sidney Friedman created the answer to your need, and it's based on years of performing this feat to the massive delight and continuous re-bookings of his audience!!

Now you will learn it too, plus several other non-Q&A routines in this book, such as his prized "SIDNEY SAYS," and his take on Angelo Carbone's "THE GIFT." Remember, whether you are a magician or a mentalist, each person watching you perform, behind the veil of their public face, they have a concern, perhaps a trouble, maybe a worry, even a darkness. You and I do too. Each and every person has a concern about career, or finances, or a relationship, or their health, or their appearance, or some combination of those.

For an audience, the performance of this feat by the performing mentalist, and even the keen magician who occasionally gleans a life affirming answer for the benefit of a participant, is something your audience will remember for years to come. And then, voila! They are more likely to remember and talk about your amazing feats they witnessed. In our promo, every one of us promises "a show your guests will remember for months and years to come," and with Q&A you actually can deliver on the promise.

Now, with Q&EYE, you will deliver beyond the highest level. Receiving some of the highest reviews ever, this NEW book by Sidney Friedman, "Q&EYE" is must-read. "Q& EYE" is a beautifully printed hardcover book, 172 pages, each page packed with valuable insights and information you will use!

Long in the making, Sidney now releases Q&EYE, following the success of Mental High Notes where among many features, Sidney shared his "Harmony" pendulum routine, his methods for successfully making openly stated predictions, and his techniques for doing prop less pre-show to gain information.

Q&EYE is for the experienced magical arts performer, and not the beginner, though the beginner may wish to have a gander at this book, then return in a few years.

In Q&EYE, the focus (pun intended) is ten-fold:

1) Many asked for this after seeing Sidney perform it. In Q&EYE, Sidney shares the real art of answering the questions and concerns in the lives of your audience where you affect ALL their senses. Never written about before, AFFECTING ALL FIVE SENSES with Q&A, this is the real work, as they say, and Sidney shows you how to accomplish this feat to lift your audience, to touch them, to move them to positivity and joy. BOOM!

2) How to use your eyes. Even without so-called aesthetically beautiful eyes, you will learn to utilize them to achieve great heights as a performer. Use of your eyes for power, boosting an effect, is one overlooked, under-discussed aspect of performing in mentalism and magic.

3) Have you ever felt your audience was just not with you, like their heads were somewhere else, or you had their attention and then at some point they drifted. Well, no more. You will not have that situation again. As part of Q&EYE, you will learn the secret of what Sidney does from a distance before each performance to gain instant CONNECTION from the audience for him from the very moment he begins his show, all through to the very end. This is actually a trick, though not a trick of which your audience will be aware. It's a trick which makes sure your audience is not just a gathering of objects for you to amaze, but instead they are each wondrous, amazing, complex human beings, people you care about for their increased well-being and elevation as a result of your work. And they in turn, gaze upon you as vital to their existence.

4) Learn the three keys for transitions between effects. Huh? Yes, like the great stand-up comedians, more than each joke, the means of transitioning from one topic to the next is where the real art exists. It elevates the performer from good to great. It is the same for magicians and mentalists. Too often we see performances which are nothing more than a hodge-podge with no clear, relatable progression between one routine to the next. Do you want to see your GREAT MAGICAL FEATS become even greater? This is how.

​5) THIS! Per #1 above, there are numerous methods, means, routines and philosophies written over the decades for the performance of what is known as Q&A, aka Question & Answer (or, Answer & Question).

For Sidney Friedman, what he shares is not Q&A, but even more, it is Q&EYE, plus Q&Ear, Q&Nose, Q&Taste, and Q&Touch. This is Q&A on powerful steroids, Q&A which affects ALL the senses. Easy for you to grasp and learn, Sidney shares his secrets of performing this extraordinary feat of providing answers to people's thought-of questions so their entire being is elevated and fulfilled. Remember, whether you are a magician or a mentalist, each person watching you perform, behind the veil of their public face, they have a concern, perhaps a trouble, maybe a worry, even a darkness. You and I do too. Each and every person has a concern about career, or finances, or a relationship, or their health, or their appearance, or some combination of those.

For an audience, the performance of this feat by the performing mentalist, and even the keen magician who occasionally gleans a life affirming answer for the benefit of a participant, is something your audience will remember for years to come. And then, voila! They are more likely to remember and talk about your amazing feats they witnessed. In our promo, every one of us promises "a show your guests will remember for months and years to come," and with Q&A you actually can deliver on the promise. Now, with Q&EYE, you will deliver beyond the highest level.

Sidney also includes scripting to introduce this segment of your performance, and actual lines to use during the performance. Also, Sidney gives you a vast list of the most common questions you'll receive, from practical to comical to bizarre, the entire gamut, along with potential answers for you to deliver, so you are prepared for whatever is asked. In total, it is Quantum Q&A you can do with your EYES wide shut. And if you have hesitated or even feared performing Q&A, fear no more with Q&EYE.

6) Why never to use the word "trick" in front of your audience. Well, maybe not never, but Sidney relates the importance of how one word out of 10,000 in a show can change the entire experience for an audience

7) The complete routine for "Sidney Says." Have you ever played "Simon Says"? Yes, of course you have. It's the classic children's game but is a stunner for adults because even with an advanced education, the most astute adults nearly all have to take their seat because they somehow, someway, along the way misheard what "Simon Says." With "Sidney Says," you learn how to become a master at being the "Simon," leading (and misleading) the participants, AND you learn Sidney's routine for predicting which person will ultimately win the game! The ultimate in audience participation, 20 people play the game while the rest of your audience acts as judges. 20 prizes are seen for each participant from which to randomly choose as a parting gift as they leave the game. They each open their gift and it's a single dollar. Not much, but hey, they are still a dollar richer than before they began. But remarkably, the one remaining gift, at the end when opened by the winner has the most value, a $100 bill!

You can perform this with 40, 50, 60 or any number of participants, PLUS throughout the routine it is seen as the ultimate demonstration of your mental ability to use words and actions to psychologically mess up the minds of the participants, so they have to leave the game. As for the prediction and prize in "Sidney Says," Sidney gives four methods for accomplishing the feat, all great, one of which is electronic, the other three of which are non-electronic, but clever, subtle and real foolers. The multiple methods allow you the flexibility to choose which works best for your style and preference.

8) Sidney's method for making your "TOUCHES" routine more stunningly powerful, where the two participants and the onlookers believe something truly mystical is occurring.

9) Art in Error 2. In Sidney's previous book MENTALHIGH NOTES, his chapter "Art in Error" became one of the most talked about concepts among high-level performers in mentalism. In Q&EYE, Sidney expands on it further and gives more examples of where to utilize error to increase your power and effectiveness, so your audience is even more wowed.

10) What we can learn from our brethren (and sistren) in the world of stand-up comedy. The three most difficult jobs to do super successfully are symphony orchestra conductor, president of the United States, and stand-up comedian. Most who attempt any of those fail, but the few who succeed in comedy, if you are alert to what they're doing, the lessons for us in mentalism and magic are enormous, and you'll learn these insights here. The fact is in comedy, you have a wide range of types, from the thin to the overweight, from the slick to the sloppy, to older, to younger, wacky, sophisticated, angry, loud, soft-spoken, and everything in between, yet there are stand-up comedians in each and every one of those categories who have become hugely successful no matter their so-called type. Sidney helps you erase your insecurities to embrace who you are externally and internally, so you make whoever you are an advantage for attracting, keeping, and greatly magnifying the attention of your audience to better wow them.

11) Plus, as a bonus, Sidney includes several diabolical routines which take known marketed props to a new level.

This could be Sidney's best work. Stevens Magic also carries Sidney's other two best sellers. Scroll to the very bottom of this page for details. We work hard to find and bring you the best - exclusively!

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