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Mercury Scored Deck - Blue - SME Private Label

Also Available in RED Back – See Bottom of Page.  Check out the ENTIRE SME Private Label by accessing Professional Playing Card Decks category on our site.   Highly Suggested – This product goes PERFECTLY with our Playing Card Rattle Box – SME Private Brand. It’s the Yin to this Yang!  Scroll down to the very bottom of this page for more details.

Wouldn’t be nice to have 52 perfectly folded playing cards each time you utilize the Mercury Scored card? Yes, 52 of them in a box pre-scored perfectly yet so inconspicuously that no one would be the wider – except for you. Call it a staple or a utility – we call it smart and a nice product that either saves you the time or worry. You can be “locked and loaded” and ready to roll with this product made by the same master card man that manufactures all the other Stevens Magic Emporium exclusive professional card decks (AKA SME Private Brand). If you have never seen his work we invite you to purchase one of his professional Stripper Decks (see Martin’s Magic review on them) or his Invisible deck which uses a unique approach. However, if you are already familiar with and use the Mercury Card Fold in any of your effects – you have to admit this is a very fair price!

Bonus: Comes with a QR Code that links you to a short video tutorial that provides explanations, ideas and tips. Note: The QR Code is located on the back side of the Stevens Magic Emporium paper label.

• Do you need to have perfectly folded playing cards each time you do it?
• Well then this is the perfect fix for you.
• Each card is scored exactly right so when you perform a mercury card fold the card is perfectly folded each time exactly how you want it.
• No more will your cards be mismatch when you need folded perfection.
• Most of these decks come with a QR link which features a quick video teach in.
• Also available in Blue Back – scroll to the very bottom of the page to link.

  • Highly Suggested - This product goes PERFECTLY with our Playing Card Rattle Box - SME Private Brand. It's the Yin to this Yang! See Bottom of page for more details.
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