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Double Trouble - Airplane/Chicken

A fun effect that mixes McCombical, card in the handkerchief and surprise prediction:

A family and children's magic effect that makes children accomplices while surprising them with the unexpected final result.


  • A5 jumbo deck with 16 high quality cards
  • 2 Silk Like Patterns 40 x 40 approx.
  • Video Access Available post purchase in your order confirmation e-mail and a link with the products.
  • High quality materials manufactured with attention to detail

I have used this type of principle with great success in my shows although sometimes the methodology used was different. For example, I loved performing with the Appearing Latex Shovel. Some of the best reactions I ever got performing was using Ton Onosaka's Fishbow mystery.  Which again is a sucker effect. I also in the past used the same McCombical Prediction method as is used in this effect.   

I brought this effect into Stevens Magic because it's something I would perform - and I know the power of it when performed with some emotion and build up.  I think a well-balanced family or children's show should ALWAYS have a SUCKER effect.  Yet, for those of you that are ahead of me - you're right in thinking - why in the world would a magician ever include TWO in the same show.  But it still doesn't diminish the truth that one should be included.   I'm all in when I see a creative way to apply the same principle largely credited to Billy Mc Comb's "McCombical Prediction Deck."  Which you are familiar with is the generic Rough/Smooth principle applied to the cards.   The routine is great because of its use of the "Sucker Principle" whereby it takes the audience members, and the skillful magician turned actor to play the part of - "I Blew it!"  I mean talk about a situation that the audience would think there is no way to salvage - this is it. Of course, the kicker is the magical transposition of what the audience previously viewed; the empty wooden chair is now the correct object.    

I also believe, as I was taught by Kevin James, the right way to appreciate the value of a quality product and effect.  This goes far beyond just looking at the component parts and calculating their raw costs.  The time and work that it took to put this product together and offer it in three different variations is commendable.  To me all these ingredients have a powerful impact and quality of the product.  Mark Stevens 

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