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The Gentleman Thief, Imposter by Giovanni Meroni

Availability: In stock

Collection: All Products, Card Magic, Playing Cards, What's New

Barcode: MURPH-77478

"It could be anyone, anywhere. Even me."

Imposter is the second deck of the series "The Gentleman Thief", a series inspired by Arsxc3xa8ne Lupin, designed by Thirdway Industries. It's about the "thief" side of the protagonist, and it's about deception, trickery and money. It's the "negative" counterpart of Scion.

  • tLimited to 2000 decks
  • tLuxury tuckbox printed by Boschiero&Newton
  • tPremium Italian paper on box
  • t2 foils on box front (white and metallic green)
  • t1 inner foil on box (metallic green)
  • tCards printed by USPCC
  • tMetallic ink on cards
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