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Availability: In stock

Collection: All Products, Card Magic, Mentalism, Mentalism Magic, Tricks, What's New

Barcode: MURPH-74412

This is a gambling effect where the spectators have the chance to win a banknote, with no financial risk. There are two envelopes, one red and one black. In one of these envelopes is a bank note. From a shuffled deck the spectators eliminate cards until there is only one left. The spectator can win the banknote if the color of the last card matches with the color of the envelope with the banknote. But this will never happened! As a highlight of the routine: in the envelope matching the color of the last card, there is a prediction card with an opposing colored back. This card perfectly matches the value and suit of the last card.

In case of this basic version can be involved only one spectator in the routine!

No deck, or prediction cards, or envelopes switches!

No gimmicked prediction cards, or envelopes.

No multiple prediction cards in one envelope!

Easy to master and to perform!

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