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Sharp Shooter System - David Thiel

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The Sharpshooter System was an instant bestseller, drawing rave reviews from pros like Richard Osterlind, Luca Volpe, Greg Arce and many more. Why? It detailed a revolutionary way to perform the Center Tear – one of mentalism’s greatest effects. This method is easy to do and clearly taught.

But the hardcover STEVENS MAGIC edition also includes EXCLUSIVE material!

Cold Read is one of mentalism’s truly versatile methods. It can be incorporated into every effect you do to make it appear that you know things only a real mind reader could know.

For the first time ever, David Thiel shares his complete system to teach you the secrets of how practice COLD READINGS…and how to perform them with confidence and impact.

David Thiel shows you how to read the techniques he uses to create on-stage miracles…and how to draw secret information from his volunteers.

You get a workshop routine designed to help you develop your skills as you grow in confidence to do your own cold readings. You will learn how to get started, what to look for, what to say…and how to incorporate these techniques into every effect you perform.

Best of all, you also get “The Ice Cold Read” – which is David’s personal script and method for doing complete individual readings either on-stage or privately for clients – which adds a powerful dimension to the arsenal of offerings you make to a client. This is a system David has used for years – never before released.

You ALSO get one of the greatest Center Tears in mentalism. With the Sharpshooter Center Tear you get an easy to perform method for secretly learning your volunteer’s private thoughts…and how to build on that information so you are soon telling them things no stranger could possibly know.

No reset. No batteries. No specialized props – just a regular pen and paper. David has performed Sharpshooter on grandstand stages, at corporate events and one on one for over a decade. You get this powerful method along with the techniques you can use to turn a reveal of information into a miracle!

The original Sharpshooter System was chosen as one of the Ten Best Mentalism releases of 2020 by Marketplace of the mind. The book has been completely re-formatted in hard bound, beautifully and meticulous laid-out with vivid new artwork from fellow mentalist and SME Allstar – Scott St.Clair.

The reviews are in:

Legendary mentalist Richard Osterlind had this to say about The Sharpshooter System: “The Sharpshooter System is new and different, totally deceptive from all angles and gives you instant access to the secret information in a natural and easy way. It is one of the best Center Tears I have come across and that alone would be worth investing in this book. But there is so much more in The Sharpshooter System! Almost three quarters of the book deals with what to do with the information once you have it. David talks about using the thought itself, cold reading, micro expressions, body language, acting abilities and so much more to make your presentation not only memorable, but staggering! “Even without the new center Tear, the rest of the book is a course on how to be a real Mentalist!

I guarantee when you are finished with this book, you will turn the pages back to the beginning and read it again – and again – and again! I already have twice and I am just beginning!”

Jheff of Marketplace of the Mind says: “The Sharpshooter System:. One could easily say that David and Sheree’s book is the Maximum Entertainment of center tears, which makes this an especially good reason to get, especially if you are new to mentalism or if you feel that your center-tear routines are not as effective as you’d like them to be.” (Sharpshooter was chosen by Marketplace of the Mind as one of the top ten mentalism releases in 2020.)

Mentalism legend Greg Arce says:
“David has gone deep. And I mean DEEP into how you can deliver any type of reading from a piece of stolen info. Yes, he starts with his centre tear, but his treatise can be applied to any method you use to gather secret information from a participant. He covers all angles of what you are doing and why. A great addition to have in your arsenal.”

Italian Mentalist Luca Volpe says:
“Once you buy this system, you not only have a powerful new technique to add to your repertoire, but you also have information on how to apply what you learn from the peek to any other effects you do. This book is like a little work of art.”

New York Mentalist “Evil Dan” says:
“It’s like a Master Class on how to be a mentalist. Buy this book, print it out, then attack it with a highlighter and a few colour pens. I predict Sharpshooter will become a new classic – one of those must reads for anyone looking to get into mentalism or take their show to the next level. It will be included in the same breath as the 13 Steps when people ask for recommendations on what books they should get and study from. That’s right, you heard it here first.”

European Mentalist Rudolph Kunzli says:
“I think I have just discovered the most valuable Center Tear in my life of 75 years. For a long time I turned to billet switches because even the best CT techniques didn’t meet my needs. Yours can be handled completely carelessly and that’s what I needed.”

Mentalist Mr. Salk says:
“The classic CT is perhaps the most intimidating of mentalism effects. Getting caught red-handed would not only ruin the effect. The Sharpshooter System is a tight and controlled impromptu variation of the CT that eliminates the risk of exposure, letting you concentrate on the nuances of the reveal.

Mexican Mentalist, Dale Curwin says:
“Sharpshooter is, at least for me, a dream come true in the area of CT. Easy to implement, undetectable and allows as much time as needed to read the written information. Clearly described with photos and an accompanying video to ensure you get it right.

“Even better perhaps than the technique is the theory and psychology that David and Sheree share. It takes what could be just a basic reveal to a new level that will create a wonderful and memorable emotional moment for your spectator. Using the included methods for combining cold reading and body language with the reveal ensures that you will not be forgotten.”

Hawaiian Mentalist, Alan Artia says:
“One day before a show, I tested it out on my sound assistant of 25 years and revealed his “First Crush.” He ended up silent with no explanation. He was looking for some type of electronic device. My other assistant arrived minutes later and I reveal her “First Crush” with my sound assistant seeing it for the second time. They both were blown away!!! From that day, the CT became a part of my working repertoire.

Legendary Center Tear specialist Joe Zabel’s of Sharpshooter:
“David’s new work on his CT system is quite possibly the most important treatise on this essential tool since Richard Osterlind published his “Perfected Center Tear” several years ago. But what makes the Sharpshooter System such an exciting addition to the mentalism literature is its complete examination of the process and the elements that make it such an effective resource.

Mentalist Ray Bertrand says:
I am more than impressed. I am elated. I am devouring the material piece by piece with a pen in one hand and a highlighter in the other. Valuable, well written treatise on this subject. It will blow you away.”

Mentalist John Taylor says:
“So my book arrived last evening, and I stayed up until 3:00am reading it. I’m still only half way through. The first third of the book is about the mechanics of the tear itself and is given in great detail. It’s a very good tear which should be studied by anyone interested in such things. The rest of the book is a masterclass in how to reveal the information in an entertaining way – incorporating cold reading and body language techniques as well as other things. This is information, aside from being important and useful, is imparted in David’s entertaining and personal prose.”

The original Sharpshooter System was chosen as one of the Ten Best Mentalism releases of 2020 by Marketplace of the mind. The book has been completely re-formated in hard bound, beautifully and meticulous laid-out with vivid new artwork from fellow mentalist and SME Allstar - Scott St.Clair.

Legendary mentalist Richard Osterlind had this to say about The Sharpshooter System: "David Thiel is one of my best friends in the world. He is a resounding force in my life and has been from the first day I met him. But I also respect him for the dedication he has to Mentalism and the hard work he puts into every aspect of it from promotion to performance. His past books will confirm that one does not have to be his personal friend to see the value of what he writes.

“Now about this book, I certainly am no newcomer to the Center Tear so I feel I know what I am talking about. David’s The Sharpshooter System is new and different, totally deceptive from all angles and gives you instant access to the secret information in a natural and easy way. It is one of the best Center Tears I have come across and that alone would be worth investing in this book. But there is so much more in The Sharpshooter System! Almost three quarters of the book deals with what to do with the information once you have it. David talks about using the thought itself, cold reading, micro expressions, body language, acting abilities and so much more to make your presentation not only memorable, but staggering! David works all the time and there are no pipe dreams here. I know for a fact that he has used this material for years before setting it down for you to learn from."Even without the new Center Tear, the rest of the book is a course on how to be a real Mentalist!"Those of us who have been in the game for a while know there is just something different about an entertainer who really performs Mentalism and not mental magic. There is a feeling that person imparts that leaves the audience believing they have seen something unique and special and real!"I don’t care where you are in your career or how advanced a performer you might be; there is gold in this book that you need to own! If you study David’s words and thoughts, you will understand how you can apply his insights to just about all the Mentalism you perform."In today’s trick-a-day world of Internet stores, The Sharpshooter System stands out like a shining light. Here is true knowledge that has been time tested. When you buy this, you are buying part of David. I guarantee when you are finished with this book, you will turn the pages back to the beginning and read it again – and again – and again! I already have twice and I am just beginning!" Richard Osterlind, Mentalist

Here are additional reviews. I chose each one because it highlights a different aspect of the CT – or because it came from a well known performer:

Jheff of Marketplace of the Mind says this about The Sharpshooter System:"With this work, David has created a new instant-read center tear technique that's very practical. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, as it takes up much less than half the book to explain. What's most important is how to perform the instant-read center tear successfully and effectively and that's the real gold in this. One could easily say that David and Sheree's book is the Maximum Entertainment of center tears, which makes this an especially good reason to get, especially if you are new to mentalism or if you feel that your center-tear routines are not as effective as you'd like them to be." (Sharpshooter was chosen by Marketplace of the Mind as one of the top ten mentalism releases in 2020.)Mentalism Effect Creator and Performer Greg Arce says:"David has gone deep. And I mean DEEP into how you can deliver any type of reading from a piece of stolen info. Yes, he starts with his centre tear, but his treatise can be applied to any method you use to gather secret information from a participant. He covers all angles of what you are doing and why. A great addition to have in your arsenal."Italian Mentalist Luca Volpe says:"Once you buy this system, you not only have a powerful new technique to add to your repertoire, but you also have information on how to apply what you learn from the pe*k to any other effects you do. This book is like a little work of art."New York Mentalist "Evil Dan" says:"It's like a Master Class on how to be a mentalist. This information could be applied to peek wallets, Impression devices or whatever you use to get information. It shows you how to take a piece of known information and expand on it, so it looks like you know things that were never written or discussed."Buy this book, print it out, then attack it with a highlighter and a few colour pens. Then go back and read it again. Then apply the knowledge offered to your own show."I predict Sharpshooter will become a new classic - one of those must reads for anyone looking to get into mentalism or take their show to the next level. It will be included in the same breath as the 13 Steps when people ask for recommendations on what books they should get and study from. That’s right, you heard it here first."European Mentalist Rudolph Kunzli says:"I think I have just discovered the most valuable Center Tear in my life of 75 years. For a long time I turned to billet switches because even the best CT techniques didn't meet my needs. Yours can be handled completely carelessly and that's what I needed."Mentalist Mr. Salk says:"The classic CT is perhaps the most intimidating of mentalism effects. Getting caught red-handed would not only ruin the effect, it'd ruin the integrity of the mentalist, reducing them to a mere fumbling magician. May as well finish the show with floating scarves and linking rings. The Sharpshooter System is a tight and controlled impromptu variation of the CT that eliminates the risk of exposure, letting you concentrate on the nuances of the reveal. The System doesn't leave you with a burning coal of deceit.The effect is clearly laid out in text and photos. I followed along with a billet and surprised myself as the answer popped into my hand like a secret bloom."Mexican Mentalist, Dale Curwin says:"The center tear is a brilliant way to obtain information but I have long hesitated to use the methods I have learned in the past. I generally stuck with a peek (A.N.) rather than risk a tear. Not that it is overly daunting but with horrible eyesight and nerve damage in my right hand tears were always a struggle. A problem no more."Sharpshooter is, at least for me, a dream come true in the area of CT. Easy to implement, undetectable and allows as much time as needed to read the written information. Clearly described with photos and an accompanying video to ensure you get it right."Even better perhaps than the technique is the theory and psychology that David and Sheree share. It takes what could be just a basic reveal to a new level that will create a wonderful and memorable emotional moment for your spectator. Using the included methods for combining cold reading and body language with the reveal ensures that you will not be forgotten."David and Sheree have an ability to communicate what could be very dry information in a way that is captivating and entertaining. So much so that I have ordered two more of David’s books. The style is not just informative but engaging and fun to read as well."Hawaiian Mentalist, Alan Artia says:"One day before a show, I tested it out on my sound assistant of 25 years and revealed his "First Crush." He ended up silent with no explanation. He was looking for some type of electronic device. My other assistant arrived minutes later and I reveal her "First Crush" with my sound assistant seeing it for the second time. They both were blown away!!! From that day, the CT became a part of my working repertoire.David Thiel along with his better half, Sheree, now explains David's very clever CT method and so much more. The Sharpshooter System includes a lot of "Gold Nuggets" for everyone and emphasizes the "Importance of the Journey and not the Reveal." - "Job Well Done!"Legendary Center Tear specialist Joe Zabel's of Sharpshooter:"I am an unabashed lover of the center tear and, over the course of my longtime study as a mentalist, have developed my own methodology and routines to use in my work. In fact, I was part of a PEA CT workshop in a past Chicago MOTM and explained my methods along with Bruce Bernstein, Gerry McCambridge, and other noted CT practitioners. I mention this only to emphasize my excitement regarding David Thiel’s new e-book publication, “The Sharpshooter System – Rethinking the Center Tear.” I’m not easily impressed by much of the material I’ve read on this subject over the years, but David’s work on his personal system is truly a labor of love and solid evidence of Thiel’s years of development and practical application of a CT method that works for him. Much can be learned from his excellent publication. "David’s new work on his CT system is quite possibly the most important treatise on this essential tool since Richard Osterlind published his “Perfected Center Tear” several years ago. In fact, Thiel gives Osterlind credit for leading to his unique take on the CT which is easy to learn (thanks to Thiel and his wife Sheree’s excellent step-by-step explanations and photo depictions) and very effective. But what makes the Sharpshooter System such an exciting addition to the mentalism literature is its complete examination of the process and the elements that make it such an effective resource. "This work has everything – David clearly explains his system, offers ideas and routines, discusses how to manage dangerous angles and to handle hard-to-read writing, presents justifications for writing and tearing, offers cogent peek advice, and thoroughly outlines his ideas for incorporating cold reading and body language elements in his reveals. Thiel includes sections on important theatrical elements often overlooked in CT performance: working through obstacles, reinforcing your character, considering your powers, respecting your audience, entertaining your audience, and making an effective reveal. It not surprising that David has used this system throughout his career with great success. "I highly recommend “The Sharpshooter System” and consider it a major bargain at $59 for anyone interested in the center tear and its effective implementation."Mentalist Ray Bertrand says:"David's Sharpshooter system is very easy to do. Well worth learning. I am more than impressed. I am elated. I am devouring the material piece by piece with a pen in one hand and a highlighter in the other. Valuable, well written treatise on this subject. David has performed this for me personally before he released the book. Sheree was sitting on the other side of the table with a huge smile on her face. It will blow you away."Mentalist James Dominick says:"I have been performing for many years and felt I had a good grasp of the art. But to my surprise there are many ideas in this book that I have never considered. It's a book of nuance and elegance. I love the way David thinks and the way he writes. There's much more than a center tear in this book. Don't misunderstand: the center tear is amazing. It's the best one on the market. I meant more in the sense that David offers a whole new way of thinking about mentalism. Love it. This is among the best books on mentalism I have read anywhere by anyone."Mentalist John Taylor says:"So my book arrived last evening and I stayed up until 3:00am reading it. I'm still only half way through. The first third of the book is about the mechanics of the tear itself and is given in great detail. It's a very good tear which should be studied by anyone interested in such things. The rest of the book is a masterclass in how to reveal the information in an entertaining way - incorporating cold reading and body language techniques as well as other things. This is information, aside from being important and useful, is imparted in David's entertaining and personal prose."

I love Sharpshooter. It is my absolute favourite effect of all time to perform -- and has been a staple of my stage, close-up and parlour shows for many years now. There's a beautiful elegance about it:

  • No reset
  • No electronics
  • Completely adaptable
  • Requires NO specialized props
  • Can be performed anywhere: I've done as an impromptu performance...on grandstands at fairs, corporate shows, trade shows...parlour. Tiny audiences, huge audiences on fairgrounds...everywhere.
  • Requires very little room. (We're talking about billets and a pen here.)
  • It just works. Every. Single. Time.

It took me weeks to perfect the design...but Sharpshooter is now very easy to learn. Every move makes sense -- nothing awkward. There are step by step instructions with crystal clear photos...and a link to a private recording that shows you how to perform Sharpshooter in real time.One of the great things about Sharpshooter is that you can take as long as you want to get your peek because the info is hidden securely in your hand. Study it right in front of the audience. They will have no idea what you're doing.Sharpshooter is the ONLY effect I perform in sales meetings with prospective clients. Over the years I have come to depend on it...and it's never let me down.Sharpshooter is a solid 6 minutes of my stage show because I incorporate c*ld reading and body language interpretation to make the reveal into a full routine.I'll teach you how you can do it, too. Leave your audiences wondering how it is possible that you could have "known all those things" -- information that goes far beyond simply revealing the person, place or thing your spectator is thinking about.Sharpshooter is one of the purest forms of mentalism I know.More than that: the techniques and methods taught in this eBook can be applied to many of the other mentalism effects you perform. That's why Sheree and I called it The Sharpshooter SYSTEM.

And this is what’s new EXCLUSIVELY in the Stevens Magic hardcover edition of The Sharpshooter System:

Exclusively for the hardcover Stevens Magic edition, David shares for the first time ever his full system for learning how to do cold readings with confidence and impact.

You will learn the basic techniques that you can build into every aspect of your performances.

David shows you what to look for, silent signals every person sends but has no idea they are sending them and how to read those signals and create on-stage miracles.

You get a workshop routine you can use to hone your skills while you grow in your confidence to do a cold reading. You will learn how to get started, what to look for, what to say…and how to draw secret information from your volunteer.

Best of all, you also get “The Ice Cold Read” – which is David’s personal script and method for doing complete individual readings either on-stage or privately for clients – which adds a powerful dimension to the arsenal of offerings you make to a client. This is a system David has used for years – never before released.

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