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Pete Biro Contributions to the art of Magic - By BUMA JR., (House of Magic)
From Buma Jr. – House of Magic. Buma nailed it with the below. Scott Jenkins did an incredible job at keeping Pete’s spirits high and the art of magic close to him till the end…
Written by Buma Jr.
Pete Biro’s contribution to our present-day field of magic is incalculable!
At a time when long-distance phone calls were a rarity, air travel was for the super-rich and new magic publications were few and far between, Pete Biro with his international travels starting in the mid 1960’s successfully bridged the world of magic for the average American magician as never before, for the international magic and magicians Pete Biro sought out, befriended and the magic he mastered during his sojourns overseas was generously shared with the American magic community on a level never before experienced due to his Jet setting schedule at a time when this was not the norm.
Every aspect of Pete’s newly learned Magic along with the personalities behind it were immediately shared upon his returning home with his fellow Bay area magicians, whether at the Oakland Magic Circle, San Francisco’s House of Magic, Oakland’s Morcom’s magic store or San Francisco’s IBM Ring 38, Pete Biro would hold court and have us all instantly mesmerized as he Introduced us to a world of magic and its creators that if it wasn’t for Pete none of us would have been in the know, yet due to Pete and his enthusiastic attendance at Magic Conventions and his magic column “The Reel Works” in Genii magazine the world of magic and its magicians grew together due to his generosity, creativity and love for the art of magic.
Pete Biro was an ambassador for magic par none! – BUMA (Mark Burger son of BUMA Sr – Marvin)