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Vanish Magazine - Paul Romhany (The Hardest Working Man In Magic!)

Go to: www.vanishmagazine.com Where you can download this FREE incredible Magazine.
A FREE interactive magazine for magicians who share a passion for the art of magic? How cool is that? Even better this project is not just off the ground — it has momentum! As of this post, Vanish Magazine recently released it’s 10th edition! What you will find inside is the most comprehensive cornucopia of magic data, that also offers a tremendous amount of (never before assembled) variety! How often do you find that? In fact, each volume, when I (Mark Stevens) look at it – it baffles my mind as to how they are able to put it together at all – – and even better — do it so damn good! It’s incredible – look through any volume and just take a few moments to think how difficult it would be to gather all this information into a easily digestible and entertaining venue!
The Hardest Working Man In Magic – Paul Romhany! That’s his title – and it sticks! Paul sets his mind to something and it becomes reality! No question, he would be the first to admit none of this would be possible without an incredible team working “with him.” When you are finished with all 150 plus pages, ask yourself if this is a project you would like to be responsible for – “much better to sit back and enjoy the free magazine!”
As referenced above – there is something for everyone! You are a close up worker, plenty for you here – you are a street magician – check that too! You are an illusionist – check! It’s all contained to varying degrees inside this FREE interactive magazine!
Started by Paul Romhany in Feburary 2012, VANISH has grown to an audience of over 100,000 from over 45 countries around the world. The magazine averages over 150 pages per issue and, best of all, all issues published within the current year are FREE. Yes, you read that right!
Each issue offers readers a cornucopia of thought provoking essays, cool tricks, reviews, and feature stories from the world’s leading magical entertainers and full-time ‘pros’. Subjects range from close-up, illusions, children’s parties, and full evening stage show, to business articles on how to get work, creating your own style and material, solid tips on how to use the internet, and how to promote and market your unique brand of magic.
Top contributors to VANISH include a rotating roster of world class performers and teachers such as Jeff McBride, Charles Bach, JC Sum, Richard Webster, Chipper Lowell, Banachek, and Nick Lewin, just to name a few.
A NOTE ABOUT BACK ISSUES: At the end of each year, all six issues will be compiled into a single folder and available as a downloadable bundle. A minimal charge to download that year will give you access to all six issues. All issues of VANISH for the current year will be FREE. (That’s just how we roll.)
HOW TO READ VANISH: You can read the magazine on your computer, iPad or Android tablets. Just DOWNLOAD the PDF and read it on your home computer or on your iPad using iBooks or another e-reader App such as Kindle (in iBooks the links will be interactive) or experience it using Revizzit (an e-reader for iPad and home computer)