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Roger Klause - Between The Lines

Columnist: Roger Klause BETWEEN THE LINES GeMiNi Column Roger Klause April 1, 1997 "To understand the importance and monumental contribution to the advancement of sleight of hand with playing cards, one must read between the lines." … Dai Vernon re: THE EXPERT AT THE CARD TABLE –Erdnase "It is just as important to consider the lack of annotations made by the Professor within his work REVELATIONS, as proof that the o...
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Roger Klause - Tribute Tothe Professor

Columnist: Roger Klause A Tribute to the Professor My close association with the Professor Dai Vernon, began in 1959. A privilege most cherished and shared by few. Of course he had countless friends and admirers the world over, but only a select few were able to earn his true respect and be taken into his confidence. Once accepted, the Professor became a brutal task-master, He had a very low tolerance for mediocr...
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Scott Wells - Angle Of Invisibility

Columnist: Scott Wells Being conscious of our angles of visibility is essential to successful sorcery. It is one of the first things that we learn in magic and one of the first things that we forget…or at least put in the back of our mind. We usually forget about it because it is so fundamental. All other misdirection is built upon this basic building block. At the risk of deviating into a discussion on misdirection, ...
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Scott Wells - Are We That Important

Columnist: Scott Wells Are We That Important? I recall hearing Marvyn “Mr. Electric” Roy say something to the effect that regardless how good you become, a magician will never be more than a “middle” act. That is to say that you could open for “big name” entertainers or be somewhere else on the bill, but you’re not going to close for them nor be the feature act. The number of successful magicians who are the exception...
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Scott Wells - How Do We Look?

Columnist: Scott Wells “Attention to detail is the essence of showmanship.” This quote from Henning Nelms’ book Magic and Showmanship is indelibly etched in my mind. I refer to it constantly when fine tuning my routines before going out to perform professionally. But I also think about it as I make one last check in the mirror. I naturally check for the obvious . . . hair combed, shirt and suit freshly pressed, zippe...
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