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Review by kilpatrickd for The Last Rise

I just received this, watched the instructions, and played with the prop. Such a quick (impulsive?) review on my part is due to my enthusiasm for this trick. I have many different versions of the rising card trick, both poker size and jumbo sized. The Last Rise is a completely new method for me. It’s very clever.
Most rising card tricks involve the spectator selecting a card, which is replaced in the deck and it rises. Great effect, of course. But The Last Rise goes beyond that. You fan out the cards and they mentally select one of those cards. The decks is put back in the box and the person is asked to call out the name of their card and within a second it rises (the description above says after a few seconds it rises, but the rise is really virtually immediate; you can make it rise slower if you’d like, but it can be immediate). Also, you control if the card rises quickly or very slowly and eerily. No electronics to worry about. The “mechanism” behind the rising process seems well designed and well made suggesting it will last a long time. Also, though you don’t need to, but after the rise, you can take the deck back out and hand them their card for examination, and the cards on either side are ungimmicked.
The video-based instructions include three routines, all of them are good. There’s no “filler” on the video.
If you have the cash, consider this trick. I recommend it!
Click here for more information.