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Our Blog

( Personally speaking blog )

Personally Speaking - Aug05 - Part 4

We were not able to attend the IBM in Reno, Nevada as the travel logistics and time frames between the two events was not possible for us. We hear that the IBM will be in Miami, Florida next year and the following year they will return to Reno. The SAM is planned for Louisville, Kentucky next year and should be an excellent venue again, as there are some great "magi" and lovers of the art in that part of America! For more infor...
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Personally Speaking - Aug05 - Part 3

Ted Harding is one of the greatest convention pitchmen I have ever seen! It was great to get my photo with him. Ted Harding with Joe behind the Stevens Magic booth – a place that Ted belongs – behind a booth pitching! Yes! This really was the band for the Banquet! The corncob guy played some mean drums too! Magic Balloon Sculptures at the Banquet. ...
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Personally Speaking - Aug05 - Part 2

Hank Lee pick’s Joe’s Pocket again! We enjoyed a nice dinner with Hank in his hometown. How many conventions have we been to Hank? Can we count that high? Ha! Here is one of two new sets of Morgars Knives. Joe gave us the exclusives for what will be on our site soon. Captain Joe and his lovely wife Steve Brooks, founder of, The Magic Café, and David WIlliams, the ma...
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Personally Speaking - Aug05

Personally Speaking – Summer 2005 Important Notice: Check out the new addition of video clips recently added to our site! There is no better way to shop than to see the magic in action! Spring is gone and summer avails, as do the national magic conventions! Spending some time in our Northwood’s retreat, we enjoyed watching all of the nature around us, and the photos below show wonderful shots of our natio...
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Personally Speaking - May05 - Part 6

In addition to his love of performing, Craig is a skilled carpenter and manufacture; many of the items manufactured by SME are done under the watchful eye and authorization of Craig Cole. He controls every aspect from start to finish, procurement to quality control. Craig has been able to merge his two loves, magic and craftsmanship and in doing so, has produced some beautiful magic apparatus. Another challenge Criag rises too ...
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