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Personally Speaking Tribute to Karrell Fox!

Here is a magic poem from our beloved Karrell Fox that we got to see recently again and wanted to share it with you – our friends in magic. What a tribute to the legends of magic, who helped all of us to love and practice our art!
For all of us who knew Karrell, this will bring his memory back for us and I have never seen such a lovely tribute that Karrell gave to the “Heavenly Magic Show.”
Karrell Fox could take the hardest of principles, sleights, moves and turn them into the simplest routines! So creative he was!
Wouldn’t it be nice, “IF” all of us where able to see this show today? Click on the LINK above in Blue and it will take you to the VIDEO for this poem!
Enjoy – Joe Stevens
Special Thanks to Jim Berg – Twin Cities Magic (owner of the Greater Magic Library), for giving us the opportunity to post this.