After several years, it was Jay Marshall idea to move this conclave to Las Vegas , and in doing so the Desert Magic Seminar was born. While already off to an impressive start in Wichita , when this idea hit Las Vegas it caused a cataclysmic” event.

With the sponsorship of Siegfried and Roy at the helm, as well as the direct involvement with another ” Las Vegas ” royalty – Lance Burton the Desert Magic Seminar broke new ground forming a quality venue that still had a family feel.
There was magic beyond the magic, in the warm relationships that were developed from the fellowship of this event. Many people, including myself, recognized this unique “family” quality the Seminar had that separated it from the more rigid and stoic conventions at the time.
Thus, it was great to see Joe and Martha being honored for all they have done to launch this very ambitious get together year, after year.
Ask Joe about the success of the seminar and he is quick to point out that it was the board of directors (who he was one of) who really made the magic happen which included: Jay Marshal, Roger Crabtree, Pete Biro, and Bill Wells.
During the awards show Rich Bloch made a presentation to Joe and Martha that included a plaque that stated:
The magic world exists and flourishes not by sleight of hand but by friendship, imagination and dedication. All those elements led you to launch this ambitious gathering and to care for it year after year. Now, as the World Magic Seminar turns 30, you should take pride not only in the magic you’ve shared and the careers you’ve launched, but also in the thousands of friendships that have been cemented and maintained by the annual opportunity to meet, greet and share.

ShinKitami and his entourage
There is a long list of those who have brought magic to the Seminar, but for what you have done for all of us, you are the best magicians of them all.
With love and admiration on this twenty-first day of February, 2007 (and all the other days as well)
Rich Bloch, Bob Rossi and the Seminar Board of Directors: Pete Biro, Irene Larsen, Bill Wells, Becki Wells, Obie O’Brien and Dorothy Biondi.