Kudos also go the Bill and Becky Wells, Nick Saint-Erne and Pete Biro for keeping this group organized, energized, transported, informed, well fed and ready to perform. The collective goal was to create an opportunity to define their magical talents in an atmosphere that nurtures friendships for life. You could see that by the time Lance Burton was announcing the winners of the Teen Competition days later, this idea prevailed successfully. The kids couldn’t contain themselves behind the curtain, and began congratulating each other before they ever got to the wings!!! And guess what? A GIRL finally took 1st Place !!! Shayna Reed, you rock!

This Years Teen Winner WMS 2007 – Ms. Shayna Reed
There were a few great quotes this week that I’d like to share. “Great people were not born great. They became great by making a decision to pursue their dream in life and by refusing to give up.” Another, “No one stands so tall as when he reaches out to help someone else.”
When I think of it, there was a long chain of hands reaching out this week…. Greeting… Helping… Teaching… Performing… Artful… and… Skillful Hands brought together by the STEVENS FAMILY some 30 years ago – and all the years in between – leading to this moment. There is no other magic dealer (or family in magic, except perhaps, LARSEN) that has given so much towards the art. For this and all they’ve done for the world of magic… those same hands came together in thunderous applause.

The teens during the Presentation Awards