Getting together with Paul Osborne and his beautiful wife, Michelle, Paul took us to his secret warehouse and office…what a treat! It is hidden somewhere in the Dallas (we were blindfolded before we left the hotel). His collection of rare artifacts, collectibles, photos of oh so many movie stars and performers, and autographs of famous people was outstanding!

From the left: Carol & Paul Osborne, and George & Michelle Robinson

Private Office

Private Office

Private Office
Paul is incomparable, as most know, with his famous illusion books. No one has produced the quantity and quality he has, as Paul has a God given talent to be able to draw the illustrations that he does.
His warehouse is full of used illusions that at one time were in most all of the theme park magic shows! There were costumes galore, props, and so many items that filled the cavernous building that he has! Thank you Paul and Michelle for an interesting evening!
Sharing the experience with our good friends from Viking-Collectors Workshop is always a treat.

Carol & George Robinson
Norm Nielson posters are so elegantly displayed.

Norm Nielson at work!
Wild and crazy Bob Little is always a show.

Bob Little
Our long time buddy, Hank Morehouse.

Hank Morehouse
Wolfgang Wollet and Ali Bongo…now there’s a pair!

Wolfgang & Ali
Our warm friend Ralph Marcom who was a long time supporter of all the Texas TAOM conventions…(oh how we miss his wife Gloria).

Joe & Ralph
Seeing Wayne Dobson from England again. We’ll never forget how he brought the house down in the early 80’s at the Desert Magic Seminar! What a talent!

Wayne & Joe
A fun time with the President of the Magic Castle, Ms. Gay Blackstone. Whe continues to keep famous the "Legend of the Blackstone’s."

Gay & Joe
The stage shows were at the famous "Majestic" Theatre and all were well produced. The reviewers said that the "Magic Cruise" show was the best of all the stage shows.
Chris Mitchell … The Gleasons … Chip Romero …John Shryock & Mari Lynn …Plus the classy act of Fred & Kelli Becker.
All are professional cruise ship performers, and what a fun life and way to earn a living! Hats off to all cruise ship workers.
The next big Texas event will be the TAOM in Corpus Christi on August 31st to September 3rd (Labor Day weekend).
Next year, in Louisville, KY…will be the BIG one with the combined IBM-SAM event starting on July 21st to the 26th. 1200 people have already signed up with a year to go. Better get your registrations in before they go up and all the rooms are booked up at the hotel.