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The Heavenly Magic Show
By Karrell Fox

If they were to have a magic show in heaven, what a wonderful show it would be. Just think of the cast they could choose from the men of mystery.
Herman Hanson would be the producer for he always puts on a “good show”, and to help, Stu Robson and Vic Torsberg, those were two guys…in the show.
For ideas, they’d call on “Gen” Grant and Hen Fetch would give him a hand. These two guys were fountains of knowledge and all the concepts they came up with were grand.
Charlie Carrier would be the opener, he would juggle his bottles and trays, then Dave Coleman, Bill Baird and Doc Tarbell, who taught us magic…in so many ways.
Max Holden would do his shadows and Johnny Giordmaine would add to the fun. And then the incomparable “Cardini“, who was always…number one.
Russell Swann would do the snake basket and the crowd would roar with delight, then Dunninger and Annemann with a double mental act. Wouldn’t that be a sight?
George Jason would tell some stories, at this, he had no peer. Then Tommy Wonder would do his pitch act, which was a winner year after year.
During intermission, Percy Abbott would sell the candy…boy, was that funny and Howard Stickler would be there too…to help collect the money.
Clarke Crandall would open the second half with cards and “very warm” plate. Oh, how I miss his columns. Most things he wrote…were great.
Bill Larsen, Sr. would be there in the front row and what a review he would write. Then Himber would roll out his tables. That would take…most of the night.
Russ Walsh would do his golf act and produce a bunch of canes. And then the stage would be showered with cards by our old friend…Ronald Haines.
Can you imagine the closing act with all the illusionists there? Miracle after miracle… would surely fill the air.
Blackstone would do the bulb and the cage, it would be the greatest. Then Kalanag and Les Levante performing all their latest.
Houdini would d the Water Cell, and Kellar would do the “Levi”. Then Thurston with the Sawing…boy would that be heavy.
Dante would do his “Lazy Magician”, applause would fill the hall. Then our beloved “Okito” would perform his floating ball.
Jack Gwynne would produce his stack of bowls, he sure made it look simple. And, of course, his lovely Ann would help, as he did the swords and temple.
As for bits between the acts, I’ve saved someone special for that. For this guy could make anyone laugh at just the drop of a hat.
He’ll probably do the pantomime of a magician…who’s not quite sure, and the crowd will surely love him, in fact, they’ll yell for more.
You’ve probably guessed who it is by now, if not you soon will learn, that the one who’s getting all the laughs, is my wondrous pal…Duke Stern.
Well, it’s been fun thinking about it, and it’s all pretend, I know. But, if they really had a magic show in heaven, it would be quite a show.
To see them all together would be a glorious sight. And I think they have all enjoyed being remembered…here…tonight.
So, if by chance THEY’RE watching, these men of mystery, I hope they’ll grant a small favor…That’s to save a “spot on the bill” …FOR ME!
Karrell is now in that special magic show…
If you have been involved with magic for any amount of time, you will be familiar with the legendary names mentioned above. And they are legends!
See ya down the road… and watch for Part 1 of the history of the World Magic Seminar coming soon.
Joe Stevens
Stevens Magic Emporium