Eric Wolf gave us history on the famous magic shop of Carl Brema.

The dynamic trio of Mark Phillips, Bob Sheets and Alain Nu provided entertainment given on banquet night.

The dealers seemed happy with their sales and many got their share of business, the spirit of the event was fantastic and it’s always enjoyable to be with old friends in a relaxed atmosphere!
Oh, I was extremely pleased to finally get to perform the famous illusion, The Gamolo”, created by Gale Molovinsky, and I must say what a beautiful illusions it is! Fine workmanship and simple to perform! We are pleased with the sales of this stage illusion.
All in all, a good time for all!
Our new catalog is now out. #67 with many, many pages of miracles and effects. If you are on our mailing list you will be receiving one soon. If you are not, please send $7.50 (U.S) and we’ll send you the last three catalogs and $15.00 for International mailing.
Many exclusive items in the new catalog from all over the world for our customers.
BRAND NEW is Joe Porper’s fabulous “Card Trimming Machine”. Joe makes them like they used to. Available after May 15th…Limited Quantities for $3,500 s&h incl.