Miles For Magic
Announcing Miles for Magic from Stevens Magic –
This is the perfect opportunity for those of you that have accumulated airline miles that you are not going to be able to redeem (for whatever reasons). Find out how you can become an SME Travel Partner (and the benefits associated with them). Contact Mark Stevens for more details/benefits/exclusions about “Magic for Miles.” Carriers included are: American and United. When you become a SME Travel Partner, you help us; travel the world to the very type of unique products that you demand. Magic For Miles is an option that will help you save some money and trade one asset for another – “Magic!”
Houdini is in the House!
That’s right! We have 500 Houdini Action figures waiting for new homes! There are two ways you can get your hands on what is sure to become a collector’s item. You can purchase one for $15. Or the first 250 orders over $200 – are eligible for one FREE!
Houdini Needs Your Help! |
All you have to do is ask for it (or type “I Want My Houdini” in the comments section of the website order page), and the “King of Kuffs” will be sent to your home. Houdini comes with his very own Strait Jacket (speaking of Strait Jacket’s – have you seen the new Viking one featured in this catalog – awesome!). Also included is his very own chair and rope! You’ll absolutely love it.
We’re looking for a few good writers!
We need YOU! We are interested in finding more contributors to help provide us with feature stories, gossip, news and information pertaining to the art of magic. We have some open slots for 2006 and would like to invite those that are interested in contributing to join the SME team.
Most recently Stan Kramien has come on board to lend his talents to this project. We welcome other’s that may be interested in joining in the fun. Feel free to contact me for more details.
Speaking of Stan Kramien, We want to congratulate him on the fantastic, and well-deserved write up in November’s Magic Magazine! Getting to know Stan Kramien has truly been one of the most fun and exciting aspects of my work. Don’t forget about Stan’s annual Jamboree – May 19th-20th 2006. Contact Stan Kramien at or call the Amazing Kramien at (503) 277-2478 what I call, Magic Woodstock. It’s an event like none-other, by a man who is truly “one of a kind.” On that note, here is something that Stan can easily relate too.
As part of a new direction for 2006, Stevens Magic is accepting advertisements for future catalogs. As you can imagine having a direct mail catalog for 35 years, we have a very strong international list. If you have an item or convention – it could be a great way for you to get the word out. For example, in this catalog we feature two ads for upcoming magic conventions – World Magic Seminar and Oklahoma Cavalcade.
Announcing – American Conjurer – The Pilot Series soon to be featured on the new “Magic Channel.”
For those of you that have seen American Chopper on the Entertainment Channel – that is a typical day at the office for Joe, Mark and crew. The show will provide a brief window into the chaos and intensity of a father and son relationship. Just ask Robert Bluemle, who seems to always walk up to the booth at the SAM conventions when Joe and I are going at it! (*)
In closing, I want to thank all of you – for supporting our family business. For over 35 years we have enjoyed working with and getting to know you better at conventions. I have grown up in this industry and it will always be my home! Always remember your support is valued and your happiness is our top priority. Our customers are TOPS, the cream of the cream, and we are humbled and grateful for your patronage.
Warm Regards,
Mark Stevens
(*) Okay, so you’ve never heard of The Magic Channel, well, maybe it will exist and when it does, this show will be featured. But those of you that know us, we knew it would give you a good laugh.