The NEWEST DVD-Video release; "Costume Changing and its Art" is flying out of here and to date is the BEST there is on explanation and techniques on this great art that is so popular! You will learn the secrets of how to make the costumes, and how to wear the multiple costumes and how and when to perform them, etc. This is one that even your girlfriends and wives will enjoy watching – they will watch the entire segment, as it’s so interesting and entertaining!
If you really want the low down on this hot new trend – purchase the "Quick Change Book" as well. You can find it HERE!
If you purchase the DVD you can save $15 off of the book and get the combo price for only $95 with free Media Mail shipping to boot! Just mention this COMBO price in the comments section of the order page or look for the "combo" thumbnail on the website.
Hottest-Newest book release; Mike Caveney’s "Mr. Electric" The Life and Travels of Marvyn & Carol Roy. You won’t learn any new tricks to perform in this classic, but you will learn the "inner secrets" of how to become a success and get bookings from one of the magic world’s "Icons". Highly recommended.


Mr. Electric
The Great Lyle

Joe Stevens and Harry Monte – one of the supporters of the St. Louis Jubilee!
The St. Louis Jubilee is coming up soon (Aug. 11th – 13th). Mark, Craig Cole and I will be there to support this event, as it continues to grow and grow and regain the honor of being "the best magic event" in the mid-west. Hope to see you there and demonstrate the many new items that we now have. For more information on the St. Louis Jubilee, visit:
We strongly suggest you check out the powerful talent line-up too, at
You can also contact our good friend: Steve Zuehlke at (314) 514-0215. We would really love to see you there. The Jubilee needs your support!
We still miss Jay Marshall and the SAM has introduced his replacement as :Dean of American Magicians: and it is a good choice… George Schindler. George will carry the banner of the SAM well and we are proud and pleased with this appointment as George has dedicated his life to magic and it’s honor and growth. His lovely wife, Nina will be an added plus as she has supported George and the art as well as anyone else. We know that George is proud of his appointment and he will do his best to reach out and be available to all of us.

George and Nina Schindler – Photo Credit/Source – SAM website.