Clovis showed me and other guests his fantastic collection of magic props and even took us down to his studio where his illusions are stored. What an amazing success Clovis Tavares has been able to achieve by mixing magic with corporate and motivational performances.
Thanks Clovis for sharing your home with me that special night.
Clovis Tavares Closing Party
One of the highlights after communicating with e-mail or via letter with so many Brazilian and South American Magicians and friends for me was finally being able to meet them.
Last night’s dinner with friends
While all conventions are expensive for dealers to attend, and often times sales don’t even make expenses, to me magic is not just props and effects, and sales – it is the people. I love meeting people that share the love of magic like I do. I cannot tell you how humbled I was by the hospitality, and warm nature of all the people I met at the Congress.