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Our Blog

Magic Castle Tribute to Stan Kramien

What an honor! We were allowed to share this tribute first after the Sept. 26th tribute at the Magic Castle! Featuring the incredible life of one of the greatest showman in the business. This feature is masterfully done, what is most amazing is the span of variety that Stan endured both re-inventing himself as well as putting together shows of every possible specialty of the art. Close-Up, Parlor, Stage, Animals (Everything from small birds to big cat...
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Buma's Totally Telekinetic is Totally Awesome!

There is no question we at Stevens Magic Emporium are “passionate” about what we do. That has been the driving force behind our success for many years. We are lucky to work with some of the most creative people in the industry and often feature their items exclusively. But one I would like to focus on, who deserves the attention is Mark Burger or, for those of us who know him – “Buma Jr.” The son of Marvin Burger who started the famous House of Magic...
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Neal Scryer's Workshop - Berlin Nov. 6th - 8th - 2015

Note: We have fielded many inquires as to whether or not we (Stevens Magic), will be offering the Lecture Notes from the Berlin Summit. The answer is NO … Unfortunately. An exclusive 3-day course – With certificate from Neal Scryer. THE VAULT IS CLOSED! All seats have been reserved! For those that will be attending you will get an incredible value and a once in a life-time opportunity! “Neal’s material is always top shelf, I wish I could be there....
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FISM 2015 – A DREAM COME TRUE by Deana Murray

FISM 2015 – Deana Murray, Domenico Dante (President of FISM), and his wife, Cristiana. Over 2700 magicians and traveling companions including me and my good friend, country singer, Lynn Anderson magically appeared at the Italian Riviera for the 26th FISM contests and performances for what can only be described as the Olympics of Magic. FISM is held once – every three years in a different country. The competition for venue rivals the magic itself. ...
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Tommy Wonder Rubik's Card Deluxe

Tommy Wonder’s Rubix Card… We are proud to state that Stevens Magic Emporium purchased the rights to distribute this excellent effect exclusively! Through six months of negotiations, we were able to compensate the family of Tommy Wonder for the “rights” to sell this effect. Stay tuned for pricing information and availability… Tommy Wonder Estate Recognized Licenses Stevens Magic will introduce the collectors’ version of The Rubik’s Card b...
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