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Maven Part 2

This can be the same for the escape artist. We are only limited by the boundaries of our imagination, and our willingness to learn new principles and techniques and apply them to our own acts. In order for our own performances to get better, we must be able to learn from the various resources in the world of magic. There is much to be learned from the teachings and insight of one of the biggest stars in the world of magic…Max ...
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An Interview with Ray Piatt by Sherid Adams In November of 2005, Mark Stevens asked me to do an interview with Ray Piatt. I didn’t know much about Ray and I began to look through the catalogs for his products. I found several. After a few Email messages back and forth, Ray agreed to talk with me. It was only days before Thanksgiving and his son would be visiting. This seemed to be an opening and we be...
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Piatt Part 10

Night Flight (CL) – (Click the name of the product to visit the product page) Your spectators selects 1 symbol of 8, which are on the tops and bottoms of 4 opaque black plastic boxes which fit inside a larger clear plastic box. Drawing the symbol of her choice on a square of paper, she seals it inside the small black box with tape. Placing blank paper in the others, she seals them all and places all of them into the c...
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Piatt Part 2

SM: It’s so hard for my brain to “see” the card much less do a trick with it. Ray: Yeah. Have you ever heard of Punx? We were good friends. I think it was 1982 and I took a couple of decks that I marked. This was in Munich. I let him examine the cards and then he handed them back to me. Then as fast as I could turn them over I was naming the cards. He kept saying that’s impossible, impossible! These are not marked! How can you ...
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Piatt Part 3

Telemental – (Click the name of the product to visit the product page) Another “mental mousetrap” from the fertile mind of Ray Piatt! ESP cards are used and openly displayed, studying them one at a time. A spectator commits one of the cards to memory. The cards are well mixed and held up with the backs showing to the spectator, one at a time. She is to concentrate on the symbol of her choice. As the cards are shown (b...
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