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( News blog )

Alexander Pierce - Fire Proof!

Alexander Pierce is an exceptionally accomplished young performer with unusual respect for old fashioned hard work and appreciation for those that came before him. That’s very refreshing to see a young performer that takes the time to learn about performers that preceded him and pay them respects. CLICK ON IMAGE ABOVE FOR VIDEO OF FIRE PROOF One of the reasons he caught our attention and we knew he was different was because he would come in not lookin...
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Strictly Scryer - Richard Webster (In The Works)

Here’s a Peek into the next Scryer Project…. The book will be titled Strictly Scryer. It is estimated to be available early to mid March 2014. This book as the title explains will feature only routines and idea’s from Neal Scryer himself… FOREWORD by Peter Turner – Let me begin with how I met “Neal Scryer”. Two years ago a good friend of mine Meraux Dantes told me I had to meet a crazy cat that was giving accurate online readings via Skype. I was und...
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Dean Dill - A Profile by Pete Biro

Dean Dill – A Profile by Pete Biro – 1/16/204 Dean Dill’s Shoppe, in Glendale, California is a must-visit for magicians when they come to Los Angeles or work at the Magic Castle. On any given day you might find somebody in from China, Japan, Germany, England or Sweden. Many regulars like R. Paul Wilson come in and work all day long and late into the night sessioning with other magicians like Michael Weber, John Carney, Tom Frank and your humble correspo...
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KAMARR - A Rich Life In Magic!

One of my favorite things to watch when I was attending the University of Kansas (Go KU!), was David Letterman… It was always a great show to watch and still is…. But when KAMARR was on, everyone in my Frat House (Delta Upsilon) would be glued to the TV! KAMARR had a career that was quite amazing as you will read below. While probably most remembered from his appearances with the acerbic David Letterman (David Letterman Show), the fact is that was ju...
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CASH COW by Wayne Rogers.

CASH COW by Wayne Rogers – Thanks for the Contribution Wayne! A TWO STAGE ROUTINE PART 1 CASHING A CHECK: The performer explains that not very long ago, checks were the most common way of sending money by post, or paying bills. Now days more and more payments and money transfers are made by direct credit, and organisations like Paypal. A check always took some days to clear, so he decides to see if that system can be sped up with a little magic. The p...
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