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Bizarre Hauntings Is Coming - Special Stevens Magic VIP Bonus

From Vince Wilson:
This is a conference for Story Telling Magic, not just bizarre stuff. Ever done a seance? A Halloween show? Even fairy tales? This is the event for you! Learn how to connect a narrative, build your character and market a stage or parlor show! Tickets are also available for a Saturday night 2 hour show featuring amazing World Class Magicians! Paul Voodini, David Parr, Joe Diamond, Vlad, Alin Nu and many more!
As a special promotion in the next 24 hours, anyone signing up gets a $25 gift certificate to be used at vendor tables! Vendors can cash the certificates in at the registration desk. This can also be used for the Poe Ghost Tour and Séance on Thursday and Friday! The tour takes place at Poe’s Grave Site in Baltimore!
Exclusive to Stevens Magic: $25 will be matched at the Arcane Relics table! Announcements on the Sunday line-up are coming soon too! Promotion ends Wednesday! First three sign-ups get FREE tickets to Poe’s Magic Theatre!
Click on the ABOVE link for MUCH more information and details!