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The Great Kramien-Last Of The Tall Grass Showman! 1925 - 2015

We lose another legend from the past! He was one of the best showmen and promoters of all and I will remember him for a long, long time! Not many if “any” like him left now. – Joe Stevens
Below are some “great” links we strongly encourage you to check out, if you only have time for one, click on The Oregonian below. But if you have more time, we provide you with more information about The Legend! Thanks for reading – Mark Stevens
We all were sad to learn our good friend and magic icon – The Great Stan Kramien passed away recently. Stan was truly the last of the Tall Grass Showman. He had an incredible career, and was unquestionably one of the most successful working professional magicians. His books and products on how to book shows were among our top selling items, because Stan was the real deal. He had the knowledge of doing everything, not just performing. But what we loved most about Stan was his personality and character.
As Buma Jr., says so many times, the industry has become too sterile, too politically correct – all of the things Stan wasn’t but colorful and fallible — for sure — and we loved him that way.
Stan enjoyed his later years to the credit of his son Rick (pictured above). Rick paid homage and honor to his father in a manner that anyone who bore witness would agree was first class. Rick went from a teenager being dropped off by his father with 50 show tickets and told not to call him until all of them were sold, to showering him with support and care.
The Jamboree’s that were famous or “infamous” depending on how you looked at them – were spearheaded by Rick and made Stan so extremely happy. He was in heaven when the Jamboree’s were going on. Rick, you have set the mold by which I can only hope to measure up to with regards to how you paid respect to your father – even when many times Stand would tell you to ….
Well, let’s put it this way, at times when he might not of appeared to be too appreciative. But every time I would speak with Stan, without question he would talk about how proud he was of you – and that’s not fluff to make this article sound sweet – its truth. Stan was a performer to the end. He would often call us at Stevens Magic and say, I need a fix! He would say he had a show coming up, and it was true being he provided many of them at the adult living center where he lived. We would always send him a few effects and he would say, just bill me for them, but Stan was afterall – The Great Kramien, so no bills would be included – just the magic. He loved the art all the way to the end. So long old buddy! You will be missed and no one will ever replace you.

Stan at the last Jamboree, Microphone in hand, looking towards the prompter. In fact, I remember at that moment a video was playing featuring Stan’s illustrious career. A sincere moment of personal reflection. Without question one of my favorite photos I took of him.
Reflections by Mark Stevens: Before I got to know Stan Kramien personally I had heard a lot about him. Mostly from my father. I would see how my father would light up when Stan would call. My father was one of his biggest fans and truthfully at first I didn’t understand it. It wasn’t until I had the chance to spend time with Stan personally, one-on-one when he picked me up at the motel I was staying in the morning to take me out to the Jamboree. We went to breakfast. I was I admit nervous, having heard so much about him. But Stan put me at ease immediately and just in the short period of time, I became one of his newest fans. There was no ego, no pretentiousness but instead a lovable and hilarious guy. My father loves people that have a lot of personality, I saw with my own eyes why my father so enjoyed it when Stan would call or vice-versa.