Q: You have been involved in many venues of entertainment from performing to creating the magic for others. What do you find the most gratifying? A: Historical re-creations of classic magic effects are the most gratifying to me, probably because it’s a pleasure to see those effects again.
Q: When you are being entertained, what fascinates you the most? A: The individual presentation of a particular illusion.
Q: Where or how do you create a trick or illusion? A: I work on an idea for a very, very long time. Sometimes, I spend years on a single concept. I do not like to be rushed, and I do not discuss any of my ideas until I feel that they are finished. I always have a notebook of six or eight new projects that I am working on, of which only a couple will ever be made.
Q: When you are not creating, what do you do to relax, or what helps you re-focus on the next project? A: I’m always thinking of things in the back of my mind. The ideas are always there.
Q: Of all the illusions, or projects you have worked on and created, what would be your favorite? A: I have no one favorite, but I do like to see different magicians put their own touches on a particular illusion, such as the Origami illusion, which is performed by a number of magicians, all in their own way.
Q: Who have you enjoyed working with most, and why? A: There have been many magicians I have enjoyed working with, such as Doug Henning, Lance Burton, Mark Kalin & Jinger, Rick Thomas and others.
Q: Where do you see yourself going form here? A: I just want to continue writing and working on my other projects as I am doing now.
Q: Tell me about "Hiding the Elephant". A: It was a challenging book because it was written for the general public, and not for magicians. My editor said that the book was all one story, and that really tied the entire book together in my mind. I hope that the book explains how magicians think about their art.
Q: You had a very long and successful working relationship with Doug Henning. Tell me about your experience working with him. A: Doug was a fantastic guy with high energy and was a genuine person. I was originally offered a six-month deal to work with Doug. I ended up staying with him for over 7 years.
Q: You also developed the "Statue of Liberty" vanish performed by David Copperfield. A: Yes, I worked on the concept originally with Doug Henning. David had discovered that I was working on the idea, and called to say he was extremely interested in performing it, which he did in 1983.
To learn more about Jim, please visit Jim’s site at http://www.jimsteinmeyer.com/