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Our Blog

Ted Lesley - "going Back In Time"

Columnist: Ted Lesley (Ted Lesley) This particular routine is my favourite one. I’ve been performing it for a couple of years in nightclubs and theatres all over Germany with sensational success. The trick leaves any audience entertained, mystified and completely spellbound. If the conditions are right, this is one of the most talked about mysteries in my programme. To keep the routine to myself, I have never perfo...
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Ted Lesley - "money In Your Pocket"

Columnist: Ted Lesley (Ted Lesley) “Ladies and gentlemen,” begins the Mentalist, “mind reading is an extremely intuitive process. So much of what we perceive comes, not from overt observation, but from subconscious perception. Let me give an example.” He points to a man seated in the audience and asks, “Would you please stand for a moment sir? Have you any idea the exact total of the coins you carrying? No? Wonderf...
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Ted Lesley - "origami - Telekinesis"

Columnist: Ted Lesley (Ted Lesley) I dedicate this routine to my friend EUGENE BURGER, from whom I learned a lot during the past ten years! My “Teleport Envelope” is a most versatile gimmick, as you will agree after you have constructed one and tried it out before an audience. The “magic” seems to happen in the spectator’s own hands, and that makes impossible effects possible and so easy to do. The gimmicked envelo...
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Ted Lesley - "perfect Pocket-watch"

Columnist: Ted Lesley (Boretti/Ted Lesley) Mr. Boretti has a magic mail-order-business in Neustadt/Germany and I was and still am very enthusiastic about the effects he sells, which are mostly his own inventions. One of his marketed mental tricks is “Perfect Pocket-Watch” and I’m very grateful that he granted me permission to share it. EFFECT: With its lid closed, a pocket watch is set by a spectator to a time he d...
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Ted Lesley - Psuedo-psychometry

Columnist: Ted Lesley Psuedo-psychometry is an eftect popularized by Theodore Annemann, who presented it with great success in his shows. Through the years many magicians and mentalists have explored the possibilities inherent in this effect. Dozens of versions are available on the market, hundreds are in the literature. The effect, as I’m sure you know, is that several spectators receive an envelope (or some other...
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