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( Gemini blog )

Mike Rogers - High Tech Wizard

Columnist: Mike Rogers High Tech Wizard HIGH TECH WIZARD by Mike Rogers Remember the trick we did years ago called The Wizard? A spectator removed a card and the magician then made a phone call asking “Is the Wizard there?” At this time the accomplice on the other end would start counting until the count was interrupted by the magician. In this manner the name of the selection was keyed to the Wizard. The phone was...
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Mike Rogers - Impromptu Koran

Columnist: Mike Rogers Impromptu Koran By Mike Rogers I expect this column will cause me extended grief, so Iíll get right to it. Iíve never been a big fan of the late Al Koran. I met him once, saw him lecture once, and saw him perform once. I was most impressed by how much he was impressed with himself. OK, I said it. Sorry to attack one of the icons of magic in such a negative way, but to be honest, our relati...
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Mike Rogers - I Ama Star

Columnist: Mike Rogers I Am a Star I am a STAR! At least as performing magician I am a star. No, I’m not on a ego trip, nor am I being presumptuous. The fact is simply this. I am truly a magical star. Perhaps you wonder how I can make such a statement and still look myself in the mirror. There comes a time in the lives of some magicians when we reach the top, a time when the long climb has been achieved, and a time wh...
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Mike Rogers - Is Da Bagician Home

Columnist: Mike Rogers Is Da Bagician Home By Mike Rogers Is Da Bagician Home? That’s a question I used to hear frequently forty-two years ago when I was a young married enlisted man in the navy. I was stationed in Pensacola, Florida and my wife and I lived in what was known as Navy Housing. This amounted to multi housing units much like any other government operated housing project. Living was adequate at best, lit...
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Mike Rogers - Knife

Columnist: Mike Rogers By Mike Rogers Edson Goodmark has had a rewarding but rough day. The inviting plush hotel bar seems to be a perfect place to relax, unwind, and recap the many events of the week. It’s been a busy week, a hectic week, a damn tough week, and a week in Hell for Edson. It was one of the largest conventions of the year for his industry, and all of his major customers were in attendance. He is ti...
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