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( Gemini blog )

Ian Adair - Voice Of Britain

Columnist: Ian Adair by Ian Adair Hi there! Lots of news from little ol’ Britain. What with the 61st annual British Ring Convention, magicians have been having a wonderful time. But more about this big convention later, and incidentally, some two thousand registrants attended. International I.B.M. President, and an old pal of mine, Abb Dickson was there and delighted us all with his presence. MATHEW SAYS GOODBYE...
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Ian Adair - Voiceof Britain97

Columnist: Ian Adair Voice of Britain Ian Adair Hi there! With the major British Ring IBM convention well over and the Magic Circles’ dealers day held in London gone, other events dominated our magic scene here in Britain. The forthcoming Blackpool Magician’s Club’s 46th Annual Convention at the famous Winter Gardens is almost upon us on 22nd Feb. 1998 to be exact, but now a three-day event. GEOFFREY LAMB DIES Bad...
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Ian Adair's - Which Is Lighter?

Columnist: Ian Adair Here’s a comedy close-up effect, suitable for table-hoppers; if they want to be called that! EFFECT: From his pocket, the magician removes two coins, one lighter and one heavier then the other (i.e., a 50-cent piece and a penny). Holding these in one closed hand the magician ask which is the light, the penny or the fifty-cent piece? The audience will automatically say the fifty-cent piece is the h...
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Ian Adair - Writingfor Magazines

Columnist: Ian Adair According to Ian Personal Notes & Notions on Magical Matters by Ian Adair Writing for Magazines I must admit I cannot count the number of magic magazines that have featured my articles and effects. Their number must surely go into the fifties. Over the years some of the magazines I have written for have sadly ceased publication including, sadly, my own Magical Express. Printing and publ...
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Ian Adair - Yellow Pages Or Not

Columnist: Ian Adair Yellow Pages Or Not! For the working magi, tweaking and planning an advertising strategy is a necessary ritual. Like a general plotting his next troop movements, the magician must plan where to advertise his or her services – while attempting to maximize value for cost. While advertising often works – sometimes it doesn’t. It also depends on what area you are situated in. Local papers, free paper...
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