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Ian Adair - Pen Pal

Ian Adair - Pen Pal
Ian Adair
Ian Adair

As a studier of children’s toys, games and comic papers, I am always amazed at the new and exciting things, which come on the market. One such thing, a pen which writes (that not new!), and records messages when spoken into. This gave me the idea of a super card divination. The pens are available in electronic shops. A simple press button to record, and press play to hear – they are easy to operate. This also means that the performer, wishing to use this fascinating gadget, can pre-record the name of different playing cards beforehand (and changes these when required). A simple message: “you will select the four of hearts” will do. If you wish to be more original, “I’m your pen pal, and I’d like to share the four of hearts with you,” is even better. The pen can be used to make out a prediction onto a piece of card, which could be inside an envelope.

In effect the prediction is made previously. You can either predict the correct card, or better still, a WRONG card. The envelope is placed aside and a card is chosen from a pack, in my case a rough and smooth one (what I would be without an R&S pack – I just don’t know!). This would, in our case, force the four of hearts.

The rest is simple. The pen is nearby. A spectator who reads out the contents opens the envelope. The spectator states that this in not the correct card as the prediction. The pen is handed to the spectator who is asked to press the button. The pen then talks, and states the correct name of the chosen card.

Members will find this a rather fascinating way of divining a chosen card. And because the messages can be changed easily, it is a simple matter to use different cards each time. Furthermore, the pen can be used in other predictions – so start putting your thinking cap on and work out some other interesting things it will aid you on.


Ian Adair