Two new Gems from Karrell Fox
Get one of the gimmicks sold by dealers under the name of a “Pill Watch” (which is nothing more than a hollow pocket watch that you fill with pills, only this time DON’T). Get a package of little plastic jewels. They’re sold at the pet counter in your dime store (they use ’em for fish aquariums. Honest!) and fill the watch with ’em. Now, take out the watch remarking “This thing hasn’t been running properly (good spot for watch winder bit), and I can’t understand it cause it’s supposed to be the best 21 jewel model. Maybe I lost some of ’em, let’s check.” (Flip open the watch and dump the “jools” on the table & count ’em). I even go so far as to remove a small jewelers eye-piece (loupe) from my pocket and insert it in my eye for assistance, but you don’t have to go that far – unless you like to hear people laugh at you.
You’re with me at a party where I’ve been hired to work at the various tables during a cocktail party performing close-up magic. I have just walked up to a table and said something like, “Good Evening, my name is Karrell Fox, and I’m a magician. Your host thought you might enjoy seeing some minor miracles performed personally for you, right at your table. May I join you?” I then sit down and go through a close-up routine. Let’s assume it went well, and I depart from their table leaving them amazed and, hopefully, amused.
I then go to the opposite side of the room and repeat this entire procedure at another table. when I’m finished at this table, I go back to the FIRST TABLE I ORIGINALLY WORKED, and give the same opening patter lines as above. The people will look a little confused and probably start chuckling. Stop, as though you have suddenly recognized them, and say, “Oh, I’ve already performed for you, haven’t I? It does get confusing. Just let me do this so you don’t have to sit through it again”. As you say this, you remove a rubber ink pad and a large rubber stamp. You ink the stamp and imprint on their table cloth, a large “X”. You then proceed to the next table you’re working. After that you go back to the second table and mark it as you did table no. 1.
If this bit is presented in a “tongue-in-cheek” manner, it will positively get a scream from the onlookers.
I had the rubber “X” stamp made at a local stationery store, and I ordered a blank stamp pad, and a special ink for it that is water-color based. This is so the “X” will wash out of the tablecloths. Sometimes the head waiters will ask if it does wash out, and they will take a dim view of your humor if you tell them it doesn’t.