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Aldo Colombini - Serenade

Aldo Colombini - Serenade
Aldo Colombili

Inspired by Peter Kane’s Jazz Aces (as many others have been as well), this is a multi-effect routine. It is impromptu and, I think, very strong. It also appeared in one of my videotapes as well as in Harry Lorayne’s APOCALYPSE but it is being reprinted here because I felt that the book would not be complete without this favorite routine of mine.

Four Kings and four black spot cards are removed from the deck. With these cards the performer produces some magical stunts!

Actually you cheat! You really use only three Kings! Remove two packets of cards from the deck as follows: Place the K ß (or the K  ) face down on the table; on top of it, also face down, place a red King, then a black spot card (say 8 ß ) and on the top, the other red King. Remove five black spot cards (6’s, 9’s and 8’s) as if you were removing four. Place them face down in a separate packet on the table. As you do so, cut the other black King to the face of the deck (so it will be the bottom card with the deck face down. ) Leave the deck aside on the table, face down of course.

Pick up the King packet and show four Kings by doing a face up Elmsley Count. Turn the packet face down and deal the cards onto the table in a diamond formation starting at your left (A), and moving counter-clockwise, placing the second card in from of you (B), the third to your right (C), and the fourth in front of the spectator (D). A is a black spot card, B, C and D are Kings.

Pick up the other packet and perform an Elmsley Count (or an Ascanio Spread) to show four black cards. Turn the packet face down and deal the top card (you can show it) onto B. Fan the remaining four cards as three, keeping the last two as one. The right hand picks up the King at C (you can show it) and inserts it into the fan second from the top. Square the packet, turn it face up and perform an Elmsley Count showing four black cards, the King has disappeared (you may spread the cards face up, keeping the last two as one, showing four spot cards.)

Turn the packet face down and deal the top card onto B (do not show it). Spread the cards keeping the last two as one. The right hand picks up the King at D (flashes it) and places it second from the top. Square the cards and turn the packet face up. Elmsley Count showing four black spot cards. The second King has disappeared, too.

Turn the packet face down and deal the top card onto B. Spread the four card packet as three keeping the last two as one. The right hand picks up the card at A (DO NOT flash it) and places it second from the top in the fan. Square and turn the packet face up. Elmsley Count to show four spot cards. The third King has disappeared. Place this packet aside.

Pick up the packet at B by scooping the top card to the bottom. Turn the packet face up and perform an Elmsley Count to show four Kings. (Instead of the Elmsley Count you can perform an Olram Move.) Turn the packet face down and deal the four cards onto the table in a row from left to right (black, King, King, King.)

Pick up the black spot card packet and deal these four (five) cards onto the Kings from left to right. (The last card that you place on the right end is actually a double.) Each of these cards can be flashed as you deal them.

Pick up the right hand pair (three cards) and turn this packet face up. Say, “Each pair consists of a King and a black card,” as you move the King from the top to the bottom in a casual way. Turn the packet face down and place it on the table.

Pick up the two center packets at the same time, one in each hand. Turn face up and spread each packet showing a King and a black spot card. Your left hand places its pair face down onto the left end packet as your right hand places its pair face down onto the right hand packet. To your spectators, each of the two combined packets now contain two Kings and two spot cards.

Pick up the packet on your right and turn it face up. Perform an Elmsley Count to show four black spot cards. Square the packet, turn it face down and place it on the table.

Now pick up the left packet, turn it face up and perform an Elmsley Count to show four black spot cards. This is definitely a shocker; the Kings are gone! Square the packet and turn it face down. Casually take the top two cards and drop them onto the tabled packet as you pick it up and then drop it onto the two cards that are in your hand. Drop the assembled packet on top of the deck proper. From the top down you have: King, black spot card, King, King, the rest of the deck and a King on the bottom.

You may omit the King production or use your own favorite.