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Irene Larsen - The Princess - Feb. 25th, 2016

Irene Larsen
Princess Irene Larsen passed away last week, Feb. 25th, 2016 at her home in Brookledge, the Larsen home compound for years and years!
Irene was member #1 of the AMA, and was the love of the Academy. Her husband Bill Larsen was the brother of Milt Larsen, and both brothers were respected for building the “premier facility for magicians” in the world – The Magic Castle! Irene was the face of the Magic Castle wherever she went around the world, and also at the Castle, as she met and greeted many, many visitors to the shrine! She was a protector of all types of animals and also was a deep friend of Siegfried and Roy. (She was like a sister to them)!
She loved magicians and the “Art of Magic”! And she had thousands of friends all over the world. On a personal note; “Martha & I will miss her dearly and will always have a found place in our hearts and minds forever! The “Princess is gone.” There will never be another like her! – Joe, Martha, Amy and Mark Stevens.
For more details – See Variety Magazine Post – VARIETY!