(Authorized for Stevens Magic, and GeMiNi – The Greater Magic Network, by Thomas Blacke – originally published September 2003)
Stevens Magic is excited to announce a partnership with Thomas Blacke, the President of The International Association of Escape Artist. Thomas is also the editor of “Escape MastersMagazine,” which is published quarterly and mailed all over the world. We would like to welcome Thomas Blacke to our family of GeMiNi (Greater Magic Network) contributors and other SME columnist. We invite you to check out Thomas’s website where you can subscribe to this entertaining magazine. This interview was recently featured in one of the editions of “Escape Master’s Magazine.”
Thomas Blacke – Author and President of The International Association of Escape Masters.
Max Maven Interview
(authorized for Stevens Magic, and GeMiNi – The Greater Magic Network, by Thomas Blacke)
Always Respond To An Opportunity …
Max Maven is truly one of the living legends of magic. He was named one of the 100 "Most Influential Magicians of the 20th Century" by Magic Magazine, and has published nearly 2000 essays or effects on the world of Magic. He has performed his unique brand of participatory theatre in over thirty countries, and has had his own specials in Japan , Taiwan , Canada , and England .
Max Maven, Martha Stevens, Eugene Burger and Mark Stevens
Max is considered to be the Greatest Mentalist in the World, and perhaps, of all time. One of the areas of magic that he does not perform in is the art of escapes. The question, which could be asked, is why is a magazine which caters to the escape artists of the world featuring a performer who performs no escapes at all, and is an expert in the field of mentalism. The answer is quite simple. Max has undoubtedly the best thinking in the world of magic. A performer who specializes in illusions could certainly learn something about stage presence or the psychology of entertaining an audience from Max.